Surprise Snow

When we went to bed Monday night, we were prepared for the 1-2″ dusting of overnight snow predicted. We woke up, though, to a surprise snow.

Chez Herd

Chez Herd shortly after sunrise Tuesday morning.

Of course, when you have a surprise snow, the only thing to do is have Siberian Games.

ready to rumble

What do you think, Cheesewhiz, are you ready to rumble?

doesn't see coming

Doesn’t look like Q-Tip sees this coming.

Run, Typhoon, Run.

Typhoon, as always, is relying on his speed to get out of trouble. Run, Typhoon, Run.

runs off

Kiska runs off after catching Qannik off-guard.

Hope your day was as much fun as ours. Nothing like fresh, powdery snow to bring out the Sibe in all of us.


  1. Mom 'n Ice on February 25, 2015 at 4:40 am

    Mom ‘n Ice BOTH say: Wonderful snow, so happy for all of you. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Hugz to all!

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