Soggy Days

After a week of snowy weather, we have been in melt mode for the last couple of soggy days. And we get a few more days of snow this week, too, so it is just that time of year.

watching skiers

Frankie and Typhoon sitting under the Tree of Life watching the skiers next door.

With all of the melting snow, of course, is plenty of mud and water everywhere. While the youngsters might be fine sitting in slush, not everyone is happy with it.

staying above the water.

Kiska claimed the chaise lounge so she could stay above the water.

Yes, Kiska has claimed the chaise lounge, one of the few dry spots outside at the moment. We all also hung out in Hu-dad’s study much of the day helping him with his work. Believe it or not, he didn’t even say thank you.

playing outside

Funny, Hu-dad says I can be most helpful by playing outside.



  1. Mom 'n Ice on February 24, 2015 at 3:57 am

    Mom sez: I can certainly see why Kiska would want to stay “above the water line” …….. I’d think that beautiful bushy tail of hers would be a soggy mess to contend with once it got soaking wet! Typhoon, well …… a four-legged disaster just looking for a place to happen, I’m sure that left to his own devices, he’ll find a place without too much trouble. Qannik and Frankie, ever the “peace-makers. Where were ‘Tasha and Cheoah when all this was taking place? (Top photo, looks like Frankie and Ty have found something interesting off in the trees somewhere).

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