What Happened to Our Sunshine?

Mountain weather is always unpredictable and today’s post is a great example of that. In fact, the weather is so unpredictable that it made today’s blog post unpredictable. When Hu-dad took this first picture around 10 a.m., he thought the post was going to be about Typhoon’s funny sleeping position.

little relaxed

A little relaxed, Typhoon?

Yesterday morning was fairly warm (about 32ÂșF or 0ÂșC) and sunny, and Frankie and Typhoon were enjoying a nap in the sun. Well, enjoying the nap until they heard the Hu-dad taking pictures.


Puparazzi always disturbing our naps.

Our afternoon was considerably different as the temperature dropped into the low teens, winds began gusting, and snow showers blew.

what happened to our sunshine

What happened to our sunshine?

Don’t worry. Give us a couple of hours for something completely different.

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  1. RottRover on February 13, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    It seems that Typhoon was dreaming of perfect sibe weather!

  2. Miley's Daily Scoop on February 13, 2015 at 9:20 am

    Hate it when a perfect sun puddle is ruined! Hope you get some sunshine back!!

  3. Bobbie Rae on February 13, 2015 at 9:16 am

    My Cynder used to sleep like that. Belly up to the sun in the middle of her yard. Yes, it was HER yard! I am sure she is sunning her belly somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you Typhoon – you made me smile this morning. (And you too Hu-Dad!)

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