Breakfast in Bed – Again and Again

We mentioned a few weeks ago that Typhoon had decided to have breakfast in bed. He has decided several times since then to repeat his desire to have breakfast in bed and we think we have now uncovered the common trait.

Kiska and Qannik

Kiska and Qannik enjoying breakfast.

As we described before, we are served breakfast on the covered decks at the back of the house, each in our own crate. Hu-dad decided long ago that it is just more peaceful for everyone if we eat our meals in our separate rooms out on the deck.

Oh, sure, we have crates in the human’s bedroom (that we use to sleep in at night), but we prefer the great outdoors during the day so we also have rooms outside on the covered deck. Yes, we are two room dogs (three if you count the rooms in the S-RV).


So why is Typhoon eating breakfast from his “inside” room while everyone else is in their “outside” rooms?

Ever since Typhoon’s decision a month ago to eat a meal inside, Hu-dad has been looking to see what is causing that decision since most days Ty is perfect happy eating outside. Tuesday morning seemed to provide the answer.

Cold and foggy

Very cold and foggy which meant that Hoar Frost was forming on the trees and other surfaces.

Yes, that’s correct. Despite the fact that the outside rooms are on a covered deck AND the fact that we are all cold weather dogs, Typhoon seems to prefer to have breakfast in bed on those really cold, winter mornings.

ready for warm weather

Maybe that is why I am blowing coat. I am ready for warm weather.

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  1. Miley's Daily Scoop on February 12, 2015 at 8:49 am

    Breakfast in bed everyday sounds good to us! Enjoy! 🙂

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