Folkmoot 2014

Living in a tourist area, we have numerous parades and festivals.  One of the biggest is Folkmoot, an international folk festival celebrating musicians and dancers from around the world.  Folkmoot 2014 – the 31st annual festival – started July 18 and closes today (July 27).  Yesterday was the Parade of Nations, a colorful affair.

Because of the crowds, we stayed at home and relaxed, but the hu-dad went and took pictures for everyone to enjoy.  Of course, he got asked dozens of times where we were, so we all know who the real celebrities are.  Humor him anyway and enjoy the pictures.

keep the house safe

Enjoy the parade, hu-dad, and bring us back some pictures. We will keep the house safe.

waiting people

All of those people waiting for the parade to start. We could have entertained them by letting them give us ear scratches.








Russia (and we really think they needed some Siberian Huskies for additional authenticity).




Hawaii (representing the USA)



left us alone

Yep, hu-dad left us all alone in the house.



Don’t worry, we will be marching down Main Street next Saturday in our own parade!  Yes, it is the 9th Annual Downtown Dog Walk raising money for our great friends at Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation.  If you are anywhere near, please come to downtown Waynesville, NC, Saturday, August 2, at 10 am, and cheer all of the dogs!  Or sign up and join the parade!


  1. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady on July 27, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    Cool photos!
    ჊ husky hugz ჊ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  2. Judy on July 27, 2014 at 7:19 am

    Wow! Sad I missed it, but I agree, Russia needed you guys!!!
    And we will see you next Saturday!

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