Cool Celebrity Canine

Yesterday morning, hu-dad was working away in his study and we were sleeping working at our various tasks when hu-dad receives this comment on Facebook – Are you going to see Hugh Neff while he is in Maggie Valley?

Now Hugh Neff is a long distance musher. As in raced in the Yukon Quest 13 times (winning in 2012), the Iditarod 10 times and the Finnmarksløpet. Hu-dad always takes an opportunity to meet a musher and scrambled off – without us!

Huh? Something about we were more comfortable at home and Hugh was going to have one of his dogs there and blah blah blah. So like the rest of you, we just got to enjoy the pictures.

On the plus side, hu-dad did get to meet a cool celebrity.


Walter, who has run in 12 1,000 mile races.

Hugh Neff

Ok, sure, he got to meet Hugh as well.

cool celebrity

But Walter is one cool celebrity.

P.S. – We think Walter has pretty good radar as well. He came trotting in with Hugh, went up to the hu-dad, and put in that classic dog lean that only means “pet me now, mere human.” We have the hu-dad well-trained so, of course, hu-dad gave Walter plenty of attention. And we, of course, inspected hu-dad thoroughly upon his return to the house and smelling of cool celebrity canine!


  1. DJ on May 25, 2014 at 12:42 am

    How awesome that Hu-Dad got to meet Walter and his Hu-Dad also!

  2. beth on May 23, 2014 at 6:03 pm

    That is pretty cool…can’t believe Hu-Dad didn’t take you!!!!!

  3. Dr. Liz on May 23, 2014 at 11:33 am

    I’m glad to hear that you all put the Hu-Dad back in his place after his brush with celebrities!

  4. houndstooth on May 23, 2014 at 8:59 am

    Now that is cool! Has the brush with fame affected the Hu-Dad any? He didn’t forget he still has to wait on all of you hand and paw, did he?

    • D.K. Wall on May 23, 2014 at 10:47 am

      We wrestled on top of him last night as he was laying on the couch trying to watch a movie. It is always a great way to remind him of his position in the house.

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