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Yesterday, we told you about Rusty’s adventures on the the Kickin’ Chicken front porch. Now let us show you what Qannik was doing.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Way to go Qannik, always worth the effort because you just never know what might fly straight into your mouth. BOL I caught a Great Tit the other day, its only taken 5 years of practice, mind you I didnt have fried chicken to have a go at though.
Sometimes you just can’t beat fresh “on the hoof,” right Qannik? It is like when we go to the duck park and momma has a pocketful of duck jerky but YoYoMa INSISTS on stalking hs own live version.
While I certainly don’t begrudge Qannik indulging his wild side, I myself am perfectly content to have my food given to me by my hu-mom. it can be the dry crunchy dog food shaped like bones (which is good stuff), or it can be them potato stick things (hu-mom calls them “French fries”), or anything else that gets accidentally dropped on the floor.
Of course, that’s the way to get the good stuff from hu-mom. With Papaw, all we gotta do is sit next to him and be our naturally cuter-than-capable-of-resisting selves. I mean, he’s all the time telling the hu-mom, “Now how can you resist those faces?”
And really, with faces like ours, how can you?
~ Daisy
Rusty. You know chicken is a bird… right?
Silly Q!
Stop on by for a visit
Oh Q! You have an innocence that nobody else in The Herd possesses! It’s not the blonde gene, you’re just not like the rest! And Rusty, bless you for being you!
The dogs have obviously had a lot of acting lessons. Most expressive.
Yes but I’m sure birds taste like chicken! BOL!! Great post!!
Rusty has a mighty valid point there…
Your captions get me every time. 🙂
A natural born blond… or IS he? i mean, he’s learned that the humans are stingey with their delicious food. Maybe he’s a bit smarter than the rest of the pack?
What? i like to give the benefit of the doubt to pretty ones. It’s not easy being gorgeous…
Natural born. Trust us on this one.
(Ayla)More challenge to catching your own food, isn’t there, Qannik. I’m sure Rusty would’ve helped, too. We have a squirrel that runs up and down our back fence, and some day, me’n Ice are gonna catch that critter. Then, for dessert, go and sit beside the hu-Mom and Dad, and look longingly at their plates. Still think someone should’ve had a video camera to catch some of those “precious moments” though.