The River Otter Cheoah Strikes Again

Yesterday, was the first weekend day in a couple of weeks that was dry enough to go hiking, so we hit the trails. Do you think Cheoah was happy with that? Don’t forget that Cheoah is the Cherokee word for Otter. That might explain a few things.

might get wet

Good thing it isn’t raining, or I might get wet.


Because rain water is totally different than river water.


Besides, you humans were the ones who named me “Otter.”

dog logic

Dog Logic. Keep up.


  1. Ice 'n Ayla on May 12, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    Ayla sez: Our hu-Mom says our “Auntie” Kiah was the “WaterSibe”. Lakes, rivers, streams, dug-outs, if it had water in it, she was there! The hu-Mom & Dad have pictures of Kiah, swimming ‘way out in a lake, so far they were worried if they’d get her to come back or not. She did turn around eventually, but in her own good “Siber Time”!

  2. Donna Wolfe on May 12, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    You need to bring the herd up here to WV, have plenty of parking for RV MILES of dirt roads, old log roads to hike on, and a creek clear enough to chase fishies in, they would love it. Baxter loved to swim, Ruby liked to chase fish, Noah laid down and grabbed at whatever the river brought to *him*, Cheta agrees with Ty, she will NOT go past her ankles. I miss my swim buddy Baxter. Summer is a great time up here, water is ice cold all year, spring fed river. Right in front of the house creek is knee deep at most (in summer, right now is kayak water class 5) half mile down river Sugar Creek joins Back Fork of Elk (is on maps, look for Skelt WV) and water is deep enough for people and doggie swimming.

  3. Carolyn on May 12, 2013 at 8:38 am

    Am surprised that Typhoon did not join in!!

    And hey Frankie, you have been so quiet lately. How you doing?

    • D.K. Wall on May 12, 2013 at 8:42 am

      Typhoon was quite clear that water should not move. Which made crossing a few creeks entertaining.

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