Queen Natasha Issues a Sunshine Edict

Are you busy

Hey, hu-dad, I have a new edict to issue


Just wanted you to know that I am as tired of all of this rain as the youngsters.

one thing

So there is only one thing I can do about it.

wake me

Wake me when the sun comes out.

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  1. siku marie on May 10, 2013 at 12:14 am

    The WDA is sending some beautiful sunshine and balmy weather to our friends back East. A gift from one Queen to another!

  2. Ice 'n Ayla on May 9, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Ayla sez: Florida has offered to take some of the rain down there. Hopefully, Florida might be willing to spare Northern British Columbia some of that rain, as well! Please, QNTE, save some for us up here!

  3. Teddy Westlife on May 9, 2013 at 8:11 pm

    I believe the Queen’s wish was granted!

  4. Max's Ma on May 9, 2013 at 9:22 am

    The Queen has spoken! Let the sun shine in!

  5. Michael Jones on May 9, 2013 at 9:22 am

    Send that extra rain down to Fla. 🙂 Here’s hoping you get sun soon QNTE

  6. houndstooth on May 9, 2013 at 8:40 am

    I wish I could issue the very same edict here! I hope the weather gods bow to your demands!

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