The Queen’s Domain

As The Herd has settled into their new Sibe Quentin, they have also already started developing habits. Today, we show you their personal favorite spots to relax. Well, favorite spots outside. We all know the couches are in high demand when inside the house.


Rusty’s favorite spot is a big pillow in a corner of the deck, great for long naps.


Cheoah thinks Rusty is really on to something and has claimed her favorite bed.


Frankie loves sleeping in the entrance to the deck, so that when Cheoah finishes her nap he always knows she is ready for more wrestling.


Qannik also claims a prime vantage point so he can keep track of any movement outside the perimeter of the fence.


Kiska enjoys any spot where the rest of The Herd is around her.


But Queen Natasha the Evil can take any spot she chooses.

QNTE sniffs

The Queen prefers a place of solitude where she can sniff the breezes.


And from he favorite spot, the Queen can survey her entire domain.


  1. KB on October 17, 2012 at 8:53 am

    It looks like the Herd has quite a nice new domain! Love Queen Natasha’s ruling authority.

  2. houndstooth on October 17, 2012 at 12:06 am

    Somehow, none of the chosen spots surprise me! Of course the Queen would want to survey her kingdom!

  3. Sam on October 16, 2012 at 9:26 am

    Sam has a spot staked out in the house that allows him to see many rooms at once!


  4. Khyra on October 16, 2012 at 8:05 am

    Hey QNTE –

    I was striking some similar poses last night about 11pm –

    Out as far at the tether would pawmit – looking NW –

    Thank dog and praise cheeses I was safe from the flashie beastie –


  5. Ice 'n Ayla on October 16, 2012 at 5:24 am

    From ICE, for a change! (Daughter Ayla is usually the “yappy” one, but I beat her to it this time) She is very much like Queen Natasha! She thinks she’s the “big boss” around here. I usually just sit back and watch with amusement.

    That Rusty sure is one handsome dude, I must say!

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