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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
HOW did I miss this? I dont care what Frankie does or could do. Answer is no. I could never be mad at him . Not ever. Frankie! Sigh.
I like the “I did it and I don’t care” approach.
And really, if the bipeds are standing there taking pix, you’re in the clear. Trust me on that one!
Play bows,
I think I believe the last one!
That blanket looks soft & comfortable! Now the last picture can get Frankie out of any troubles.
Ha ha ha! Frankie, I’m sure it was an improvement anyway!
I swear Frankie is related to our Oakley! That series of pictures could have been taken at our house. Daily happenings!! 🙂
Frankie you are absolutely adorable. There is no way anyone could be mad at you. You just want a lot of love and attention. Hugs and kisses to the herd
Oh, Frankie, what a neat job you did of “re-making” the hu-parents’ bed! And you looked so comfortable, too. Me ‘n Ice’s hu-Mom and Dad allow us to get up on their bed, too — in fact, it’s the ONLY piece of furniture we ARE allowed on, so we like to cuddle in, too.
Khyra and Whitney applaud Frankie’s skills!
We’ll let woo determine which skills each of us are giving the FT Seal of Approval to!
Khyra AND Whitney