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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
hello frankie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wel at leest if bears dont like bells yoo wil not be the wun they chayse!!! ok bye
its not a curse, its a way to help the family
Stop on by for a visit
Personally I think that rowdy Rusty should wear the bell. He will always make himself heard.
He does too. All 6 wearing bells is not necessary and makes a lot of racket (though we do that when bear activity is at its highest or on a stretch of trail where bears are very likely). Each team has one “volunteer” and we look for the most bouncy dog to wear them, Thus, Rusty on the red team and Frankie on the black team.
Well…. it is true. Someone has to do it…. or wear it??? Huh??
Happy Sunday to all of you
Kisses and hugs
In our house, all dogs wear bear bells! I loved trying to say “Bear Bell Bearer” ten times fast.
I think that’s a sign of honor or something. The bear will avoid you the most with that bell around your neck! It’s either that or a signal that you’re the ursine sacrifice…
We are going to have to put a bell on Teddy. To warn the wildlife that he is coming so they can get away from him!
Eeek, is that to scare off bears, or warn them you guys are coming?
Lots of slobbers,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Never mind, Frankie. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it!
And I might add that you look dashing in that bell.
Discrimination! Make the hu-mons wear it! What else are they good for besides scratches and food!