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We ran the picture above on our Saturday post and many of you wanted to know what we were looking at. Spring has sprung here and the woods are alive with wildlife. Let’s show you a couple of examples from yesterday morning’s walk.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Oooo that’s what you guys were looking at :p
Hmmm we’re not sure if we have seen a bunny before, or those other bird like creatures! Even if we have we wouldn’t have noticed :p
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Isn’t it nice when tasty, oops, I mean, dear old friends return?
We have a whole herd of bunnies who run around outside my fence and they are driving me crazy!
Between them, the squirrels and the gophers, its all just too much for one dog!
Let us at em … oh yeah we are always attached to strings too.
We can all dream.
Remy and Flash
Hello Herd! LOng time no woof! Sorry for not visiting for ages but things have been a bit manic here! 🙂
Anyway, great to catch up with you – and fantastic photos as always! Am so envious of you seeing that bunny – I don’t think I ever saw a bunny in real life! (Well, there were bunnies in some of our parks in NZ but I was always too slow & “duh” to notice them! Hee! Hee!)
Honey the Great Dane
Well, Herd, I’d say to tell Hu-Dad that you’ll split the spoils with him if he lets you off the leashes, but then I think about the pizza bone deprivation and I say just all run for it at the same time! Keep Hu-Dad on his toes!
Kisses and hugs
oh my, thanksgiving AND easter all at once! YUM! now how to get unleashed….hmmm… think…think… think. oh yeah, call up wild dingo and convince her that she can “train us”… oh PERFECT!
You guys sure do get to see a lot of cool things. 🙂
I can send Teddy over if you need something to distract you.
Ok I have to ask, have any of the herd tried to go after any of the wildlife? If so do they encourage each other and do you get taken off your feet and dragged across the field behind them? I know I really struggle holding one Sibe but hanging onto 3 is a different story especially when there are 6 in total.
Run rabbit run!
I’m sure the Heard wished the fence wasn’t there, and they didn’t have leashes holding them back so they could have followed that cute little white tail.
Sending you lots of woofs,
Oh to NOT be stringed!!!
Whew, my 3 would have taken off after that bunny!
Sorry I’ve been MIA…been having lots of pain w/ right wrist…finally broke down and got cortisone shot! I’ll enjoy the relief while it lasts!
Cool turkeys – bet one of those would hit the spot!
jack & moo
Love the fluffy white bunny tail 🙂
We have a band of marauding turkeys in our neighborhood…and some raccoons, but mom says there’s a lot of coons with the rabies around here now so we have to be careful. Hmph.
There’s nothing like a little wild life to get the pups excited!
We haven’t seen any of those feathered furiends around here yet, but those bunnies keep invading our kingdom – they had best be careful with TD around.
Have a great week.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That’s an impressive amount of distractions! You just need a few squirrels in the mix to make it complete!!
And would these little creatures be considered pets or snacks?
Seize the time and get them!!!
Bunnies! It must be bunnies! Sorry, Maria was watching BtVS yesterday. There are no bunnies in Central Park though I have seen a turkey. I envy you your state park and ski area to walk in. Such beautiful scenery and such scents I’m sure.