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So it is the middle of the week – how about a short video of some of the fun we had at the beach last week? Dig your toes in the sand!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Wow, that looks so beautiful. The digging is so funny especially when they almost fell in the hole. hehe.
It’s so cute how the alpha and omega walk together. I love the pantyloons shots of the diggers! and of snowflake’s panytloons.
That was a serious digging!
And roaching…
And walking….
And…. getting… not too wet!
Kisses and hugs
Oh that looks like so much fun!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
I need you on my terraforming team in the yard! VERY nice work…creative…original…structurally sound. How come there were no weenies grilling on a driftwood fire for your post walk?
Awesome digging and no yelliing from humans. We need to get to the beach so I can dig, you dig?
Great video. And you didn’t even need a shovel.
Great Kodiak measuring stick!!! We bet that wet sand was so much fun to dig and so cool and refreshing to roll in. Mom just loves to listen to the background sound of the waves – so soothing.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara
Now that looks like fun!
What always surprises me when I watch The Herd videos is that for all the talk about how mischevious they are, they always seem to walk remarkably well. It doesn’t look like they pull much when I watch them and they mostly stay in formation, except for those Rusty Head Butt moments that I love. Do you ever have to walk newbies separately to get them used to “the program” or do they always just walk like that together?
It looks like woo ALMOST got to see Koda and the others in NZ!
I khan hear Mom’s head gears turning wondering what I’d do if I got to the beach –
I’ll let her wonder as I’m not telling!
PeeEssWoo: So, did woo evFUR figure out who did stop the rain?
What a fun time at the beach!!! Would love to get in on that digging action 🙂 Beautiful sunset photo!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We loved the video so much – brought back great memories of our vacation in SC this summer and Huntington Beach – we just loved that beach. We took the most amazing photos there …
Great to see the beach again and the fun that you were having there!
take care
Clive and Murray
Woos! You had so much FUN! Lucky dogs…
I may have to take mine to the beach now 🙂
Pawsome digging footage! I’ve never tried digging that deep at our beach, but woo have inspired me! That’s about how far we go into the ocean too… wo never know when those waves are going to sneak u p like that!
jack a-roo & miss moo
You guys are brave, getting wet like that. How lucky you are to play and dig at the beach! Thanks for sharing the video! Great work.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
What fun! Digging as much as you want, Wow!
Fantastical video!!!!!! Fluffing round in the sun and sand can be great fun!
Very cool video! I loved the talking in the beginning, and the digging. I should take Layla to a local beach so she can dig to her heart’s content – but I get the feeling that if she knows it’s okay, it’ll lose it’s appeal a little bit.
oh my we fink that your adventure looked pawsome and we are sure to beg our mommish to takes ush before it gets too cold here thanks for the idea
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Cute video! I love how they reacted to the surf coming up!