School Daze

Rusty asks, "Hey, Kodiak, is it school time yet?"


Only three more weeks until The Herd leads the Downtown Dog Walk on Saturday, August 7, 10 a.m., in Waynesville, NC.  Enter the Walking with The Herd Contest by clicking that link for all of the details, downloading this form, and mailing it to us with a check to SARF.  You could win a t-shirt of you walking with The Herd at the front of the parade (thanks to the power of PhotoShop – no matter where you live).  Rumor has it that Sarge adopted out 9 cats – NINE – on Saturday at their HQ – and that doesn’t count the other adoption events – just the one at the HQ.  Six dogs and cats are rescued every day by Sarge’s.  Can you help us make it more?


  1. Kari on July 25, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    you guys like going to school?

    Don’t forget, we are now located at

  2. Maxx on July 20, 2010 at 12:55 am

    School? How kool is dat?
    Wish i could go to school too!


  3. Ruby's Raiser on July 19, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    Aww, those guys are too cool for school! 😉

  4. Steve & Kat on July 19, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    We sure wish we could be there for your parade!


  5. Sagira on July 19, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    Time for school again already?

  6. Huffle Mawson on July 19, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    They rescue cats as well? Now that’s good news.

    • D.K. Wall on July 19, 2010 at 6:51 pm

      Yes, Huff, they are an equal opportunity rescue and help cats as well. Interestingly, cats are actually a bigger problem. We seem to have made more headway on spay and neuter with dogs (though a looooooong ways to go), but much work in the cat area. In this rural area, a lot of cats are considered “barn” cats, expected to basically feed and care for themselves with maybe a little food thrown out for them. Thus, the population problem is high and only the coyotes like this arrangement.

      P.S. – Makes you appreciate your cushy life a little more, huh?

  7. The OP Pack on July 19, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    Rusty, TD and Phantom keep telling me it is time for me to go to school too – do you think I will like it?

    Woos, Ciara

  8. Houndstooth on July 19, 2010 at 7:04 am

    How did you know it was back to school today for me? Gah! I think my day would be much more entertaining and exciting if Rusty and Kodiak do get on that bus! Come on Hu-Dad!

  9. norwood on July 19, 2010 at 5:30 am

    Get on the bus kodiak
    make a new plan qannik
    you don’t need to be coy kiska
    just join sarge’s walk

    okay mom is lame. sorry about this comment
    I myself LOVE school and I’m a teachers’ pet. Ask Mango and Tula!

  10. Wild Dingo on July 19, 2010 at 1:56 am

    hmmm…that title sure caught my eye. i wonder why???

    ya, i’m w/LWD: not a fan of that yellow! but maybe i would be if the Herd were my classmates. is rusty roo the class clown?

    • D.K. Wall on July 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm

      Rusty is ALWAYS the class clown.

  11. Khyra on July 19, 2010 at 1:33 am

    Will I get a free khat with my green papers submission?


    • D.K. Wall on July 19, 2010 at 7:02 pm

      Sarge’s rescues lots of cats, but they might be a little suspicious of a Sibes request to “rescue” a cat.

      Our vet, who volunteers for Sarge’s, always has a cage of kittens for adoptions. The Herd finds them VERY interesting.

  12. Life With Dogs on July 19, 2010 at 1:15 am

    Oh that pic has Monday written all over it. Never having been a fan of school I’ll count that particular shade of yellow among my least favorite colors. 😉

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