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The seat belts come out. Leashes on. Everyone is excited. But then only two get loaded into the Jeep – Qannik and Kiska. Very important rule at Chez Herd – if you get to ride in the Jeep without the entire Herd, you are headed to the V-E-T.
Kiska – The waiting is the hardest part
I hear her.
What’s up, doc?
Just here for moral support, right?
Ok, examine is over – bring on the treats
Thanks to the wonderful team at the Animal Hospital of Waynesville, our annual physicals are relaxed and fun and the dogs enjoy going there. The exams are done at “dog level”, with all of us sitting on the floor. And Qannik and Kiska passed with flying colors.
The dogs particularly love the post-vet visit reward. A walk through downtown Waynesville and a visit to their favorite store, Mast General Store. Dogs are more than welcomed – every cash register has a treat bowl and the staff loves to help a hungry dog.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Steve is in love with our vet. I could take her or leave her, but Steve whines and cries whenever she’s not paying attention to him. It makes it noisy during my exam because he’s so jealous that I’m getting the vet’s attention and he’s not. It’s really embarrassing. What kind of dog is in love with his vet?
Glad everything went well at the vet! I like that the exam is done on the floor. They usually have to examine me on the table and I don’t really like that.
Your store sounds so cool! 🙂 We don’t have any stores like that here. Someone usually has to sit in the car with me.
wow! you guys look so happy even though you’re at the v-e-t! we wished the general stores here let me in. 🙂
Isn’t it great to love going to the VET? We love it too. All of Moma’s dogs have loved it.
We were happy to see our question sorta answered from the post before! Seatbelts! Yeah! We are real believers!
Love ya!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
You two are so brave to be so good at the V-E-T. I hate going to the vet.:(
Funny how quickly they learn where the V E T office is. Our girls will suddenly get VERY quiet when we reach a certain point. Good things our girls really can’t read…they would expect to go to some dog-friendly place for treats. Loved the photographs.
of course they’d be hungry. Examinations require a lot of ENERGY! FEED at EVERY register… in fact, i sure hope they make you go back for things “you forgot..”
Oooh. I hate tests. I don’t take them often, but poor TaiChi takes tests all the time. (I think she’s studying to get her Ph.D. or something with all the tests she does…). Sounds like the after-V-E-T part was good, though!
*kissey face*
Congrats on the good bill of health, pups! Our vets at KSU teach the students to snuggle with us on the floor, give us lots of hugs and tummy rubs and feed us TREATS! I have no idea what else goes on there – but I love to go!
We often wondered how you managed to get six of them to the vets. When we were a three-pack, we always went in twos, much easier on the MOmster. Now she has to get our annuals closer together so we can go together. Glad you had good reports. We have a treat dispenser there too:)
woos, the OP Pack
Well, I am glad you passed all your tests. Did you have to study hard?
Huffle Mawson
We are so glad all is good.. Did you get any treats after that?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We are glad the vet trip went well, sounds like you have a lovely vet there.
~ Holly & Zac ~
I didn’t know there was a Mast General Store in Waynesville. I’ve been to the original one in Valle Crucis and the one in Boone!
Glad to hear it was all good news at the vet. Got to agree, the ride is not so bad, the vets are always nice…still, it’s all a bit nerve wracking.
I loves my vet too. She is furry cool and takes care of me quickly. She always has a big smile and a treat for me. Dr. Anderson is the best!
The only thing is the clinic is outside of town, so no walking to stores and stuff. We are going walking right now though!
Have a good weekend, Herd!
Tank woo fur sharing your difFURent kind of road trip!
I had the same vet lady fur my past two annual chekhks – she is also a my level type! She went to that VirginiaTekhhie Vet Training Place –
It is also furry khool to get to strut your Siberian stuff ’round town too!
PeeEssWoo: Mom is going to be thinking of Tom Petty all day fur some reason!
Nice job on the check-ups, pups! Furry important to keep all parts in good working order. That’s quite the cute little town & General Store woo got to go to!
a-roos & woos,
jack n’ tori
Thanks so much for the comment! Marge hasn’t fully conquered her fear of people, either, but yeah, it’s the kids that set her off the worst. Actually, it’s the sounds the kids make – she has become putty in the hands of small, respectful children on more than one occasion, probably because she finds them unthreatening. But, as soon as they start with the high pitched screams, she’s all fear.
That’s great to her about Kiska. I know how hard it is to rehab a dog of fears, especially fears of people, so big kudos for that (especially when I’m SURE people run up to you all the time looking to meet your gorgeous pack!)
PS – I’m looking for a follow button, but can’t find one. Maybe I can’t follow since you’re on WordPress, but I’ll be stopping by again, for sure!
rut roh.. you guys too! The vet is a busy place for dog bloggies this week. I wish we had a cool downtown that gave out treats and welcomes to us. I on the other hand am not as well behaved as u
I’m glad that they passed with flying colors. My vet sounds very similar to yours. Everyone ends up on the floor with the dogs who seem to believe that they’re getting lots of love rather than an exam. But, even though it looks like the vet is just petting them, she’s secretly doing her exam! The sad part for K is that she’s not allowed to have *any* treats anymore except the very boring kibble for pancreatitis dogs.
There’s yet another parallel, we always make the trip after the vet to the local hardware store that loves dogs. But, again, the treat moratorium pops up (every employee has a pocket full of treats there). Poor K… so sad for a Lab!
Love your post!