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Yesterday was rainy and foggy. The dogs asked that we changed the weather, but we failed. So guess what we did all day?
Wild Dingo had it right in yesterday’s comments, “Um, helloooooo….you’re HUSKIES! you can take the cold weather and a little rain! my gosh… suck it up kiddo’s and MAKE your human wear his rain coat and take you out. Hell or HIGH WATERS! tee hee hee!”
Well, almost right. Our human forgot rain coat. Oops.
Natasha, Qannik and Kiska – Lots of fluffy tail action
Rusty doing his own thing – imagine that
Cheoah and Kodiak with Natasha and Qannik
But the sun is trying to crest the ridge behind us and burn the morning clouds away. Looks like it could be a beautiful day.
Sun rising over the eastern ridge
Western look – you can just see the sunlight hitting the ridge
Looking down the ridge line
Happy Sunday to everyone!
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
pawsome walkies – rusty and sweetie would do well together – both of them are in there own world
Woodrow – Sweetie – MJ
It’s so beautiful there!!! I love all the changing colors and the fluffy tails too!
I’m guessing noboby melted in the rain? Well, since no one left the cake out in the rain, I think you can take it! And with views like that, its so worth it. Sun and rain and fog are so beautiful.
Good, I’m glad you still got a walk. That’s more than we got today as Mom and Dad were working in the yard all day and it got dark before we got a walk. Where are the priorities here??
We still have damp weather here but it didn’t stop us from our visit with the girls….
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I do not believe that Rusty was out doing his own thing. It must have been an imposter 🙂
Happy Sunday back atcha! It might be foggy and wet but you sure have some lovely territory to sniff and snooter!
It does look like a beautiful day with those fall colors. I wonder how much construction Khyra’s mom encountered on I-81, it seems like that road is never finished.
Mom enjoyed her trip down I81 this am – she said there’s nothing like watching the sunrise behind her whilst getting to hear Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here” –
The kholours were looking furry nice (she says) –
Tank woo fur sharing YOURS with us!
It was bitterly cold here yesterday and Ammy called for very light snow flurries. (Which we got, of course – she’s never wrong!) We made Mom bundle up and take us redheads to the KS Ocean and back. She forgot her gloves and thought her hands were going to fall off. Too bad, Mom!
Play bows,
Sounds to me like Princess Eva and Brice got the Wimpy type snow . . .ours, further North, is the heavy duty brand and is sticking! We are supposed to be getting an Alberta Clipper type storm tomorrow, that is what someone told me anyway.
So if you are loading your sleds for a trip to Minniesnowda (that spelling is courtesy of Khyra’s clever Mom) you defintely want to hit the Northern end where it comes earlier and stays longer!
Beautiful views despite the rain! Silly human, forgetting a raincoat! Glad that it didn’t stop you or the herd might have had a revolution!
Hi there to the whole thundering herd. Thanks for visiting my blog! I would be happy to send some snow your way. We are forecast to get even more tonight. (my family and I live in the same state as Princess Eva!) Too early! We should still get some nice days after this, I hope. If you could visit, would you stop at the school my human mom works at? The mascot is the Huskies!
We don’t care what the weather is either as long as we can get our for a long walk, but the Momster is the problem. She doesn’t like to walk in the rain when it is also cold. Maybe we could change her mind if e had the gorgeous colors of your mountainview.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pack your leashes & bully sticks and come up here to MinneSNOWda to visit. Our snow from yesterday melted but there are rumors of more this week.
Princess Eva