Eye Drops

Cheoah is subjected to the same vet screening as any newbie to The Herd.  

As we learned with Kodiak, even a dog whose heartworm tests were initially negative, the tests can reveal a positive infection after a few months.  The reality is that some issues, such as heartworm infestation, will not show up in the first months, so Kodiak’s diagnosis occurred after he had been at Chez Herd for a few months despite the preventative treatments.  Fortunately, he responded well to the treatments and is now Heartworm Negative – Yea!

In Cheoah’s case, her vet visit last Friday revealed great news (gained 2.8 pounds from 38 to 40.8 pounds – all of muscle) and not so great news – an eye infection.  Fortunately, the infection appears to be controllable and she is getting eye-drops three times a day.

Did I mention that we are guessing that Cheoah is 12-13 months old?

Ever tried to give an adolescent dog eye drops?  I can barely make myself drop liquid into my eye when needed, much less explain the purpose to a squirming teen-puppy who is determined that those drops are not getting anywhere near her.

And three times a day.  Do anything – absolutely anything – three times a day with a dog and they will be trained.  So she sees the eye drop bottle and takes off.  Great training.

We are trying treats, belly rubs, catching her napping, and even her favorite chew toy – Kodiak (another humorous issue – why did my smallest girl decide that her favorite boy was the absolutely biggest boy in The Herd?  Opposites attract.).

So think kind thoughts for Cheoah as she fights off this infection.  And kind thoughts for management as we patiently put in eye drops three times a day.


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  1. Steve and Kat on October 16, 2008 at 11:01 am

    I haven’t had to get eye drops, but back when I had (whisper) mange (end whisper) I had to take medicine. Mom put it in a dropper and then squirted it down my throat. She had to chase me around and sometimes she wouldn’t get the medicine in and get me to swallow, so I would just spit it out. The medicine was bright red and the carpet was whitish, so you can imagine how happy that made my mom!


  2. Kayla and Maebe on October 10, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    Awwww.. poor Cheoah. I can say a 4 year old husky (me, for example) doesn’t like getting eardrops for an ear infection either… but the eye has to be a worse place to get drops. Sending positive Sibe Vibes her way!! Hope it clears up soon.

    Wooooo woo rar rar rar,

  3. The OP Pack on October 9, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    Our Mom is LOL LOL LOL – she says try having to do eyedrops for the DH morning and night, about six different bottles-worth!!!! She would take doing a dog anyday as an option.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  4. Thor and Marco Polo on October 9, 2008 at 8:45 am


    Poor Cheoah! We hope your eyes get all better quickly and remember – sometimes Humans have to do stuff we don’t like to make us better!

    Hugs and Kisses
    Thor and Marco Polo

  5. Desert Pups on October 9, 2008 at 7:20 am

    Woof Herd,

    Sorry we haven’t stopped by in awhile. We’re blaming Mom and that dumb job
    Mom has to put eye drops in Toby’s eye but he’s really good about it. She said
    there’s no way in hell she’d want to put drops in a puppy’s eyes. She suggested
    using Duck Tape to hold her down. Good luck.

    Desert Pups

  6. Holly on October 9, 2008 at 1:34 am

    Abby gets frequent eye infections. But she is 13. Best thing I can offer is to do it when Cheoah is sleeping. Then she is more relaxed. As a teen puppy, she MUST still take naps! Right?


  7. Pippa on October 8, 2008 at 1:45 am

    Hi all of you
    What a fine pack you are, and what a lovely place to live.
    Paws crossed for Cheoah’s eye to get better as soon as possible.

  8. Khyra on October 7, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    We are something, aren’t we!?!

    PeeEssWoo: My mom says good lukhk and khongrats on the health report!

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