Tartok and the Herd

We went over to my parent’s house last night to have Father’s Day dinner – Happy Father’s Day Dad ! ! !

While there, we were doing a little landscaping and everyone was gathered outside, including my mother’s Siberian, Tartok.  He was our guest at Chez Herd a few weeks ago during the Slumber Party.  He got bored hanging around with us since we were not allowing him to dig some of the holes, so he acted like he wanted to go inside.  Since this is outside the fence area, he was on a leash.

As we were walking back toward the house, he kept pulling over to my jeep and sniffing.  Finally, it dawned on us that he wanted inside the jeep, so I opened up the back door and let him jump in.

Tartok in jeep

Ah ha!  He did not want to go inside, he wanted to hang out in the Jeep.  From memories of our road trip that Slumber Party day?  Just to check out the scents of the Herd?  Or, most likely in the Siberian mind, to spread his own scent just to drive the Herd crazy today as we go out for our own adventures.  Could a boy with these blue eyes do something that mischievous?

Tartok in Jeep II

I tried to explain to him that the carpet was out (since we hauled over plants, etc.), so it could not be nearly as comfortable as he expected.  But after a couple of minutes, he was quite clear that it was as comfortable as he needed.

Tartok asleep in the Jeep


  1. Khyra on June 18, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    What Holly said! I know better than to doubt her royal wisdom!


  2. Holly on June 16, 2008 at 1:22 am

    Wow, what a beauty! I just love the face and nose markings! He definitely looks VERY comfy in the jeep!!! Maybe he wanted a ride? Have a great week, and happy Fathers Day!!


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