Dreaming of a White . . . Any Day – Part II

It is still hot so we are still dreaming of a little snow.  To tempt everyone, is a picture of Natasha in her very first winter.

Natasha's first winter

Now as all good Siberians know, the phrase “come here” is a meaningless noise uttered by our humans which we are meant to ignore.  Natasha demonstrates exactly how little it means when there is snow to be played in.

Natasha having too much fun in the snow

For those who may not have known the Herd for a long time, Natasha used to be “Baby Bear” long before she earned the nickname “Queen Natasha the Evil.”  She came to us at all of 8 weeks old and was essentially raised in the Siberian ways by her “Mama Bear,” Nikita.  Miss Nikita has been playing North of the Rainbow Bridge for almost two years now, but before she left us, she was responsible for the discipline of the Baby Bear.  Here is a great example of how much she had to put up with.

Natasha pouncing on Nikita in the snow

And, sometimes, Nikita had simply had enough and decided she wanted inside and away from the insolent puppy.  Here is one of those moments.

Nikita on the porch

Finally, as we have mentioned before, there is no air conditioning in Chez Herd.  While we want to have everyone’s great sympathy at times like this, the reality is that it never really gets that hot here (except for the last couple of days at the 80 F (27 C) mark).  But here is how we really prefer the driveway and house – with snow on the ground.  First shot is down the driveway and the second is of the house.  Older picture since the old Siberian Utility Vehicles are still in the shot.  

Snow on the drive


Snow at home

Happy snowy thoughts!




  1. Holly on June 10, 2008 at 1:08 am

    Oh, your snow pics are sure making me feel nostalgic! It’s been very hot and stormy here in Nebraska. We had a tornado go right over our house!!! Luckily, all we had was lots of tree damage. Well, and the back fence was flatened, but mom and dad fixed it right away.

    You are sooo lucky that you don’t get such hot weather. Thankfully, mom and dad keep our house a/c at about 67F degrees, so it stays nice and cool. But I sure wish we could get some snow about now.


  2. The Army of Four on June 9, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Thank you. We feel MUCH cooler after reading/seeing your post. Ah… snow!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
    Thanks, too, for stopping by the Ao4 Digest!
    Tail wags,

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Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.

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