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We did a lot of hiking on Sunday, so this may take a couple of days, but wanted to share some pictures with you. We started out our morning hiking up Waterrock Knob. Unlike yesterday, it was a beautiful, clear day so the view was pretty good (though hazy – that is why it is the Great Smoky Mountains). About half way up, there is a great view looking west into the Qualla Boundary (also known as the Cherokee Indian Reservation). The large building you see is Harrah’s.
From this same spot, two more pictures. The first is looking back south over the trail over the Waterock Knob parking area. Wait a month and the lot will be full as the tourists return post Memorial Day. Hard to believe the road was closed just three weeks ago as we got our last snow of the season.
Finally, a picture out over the southwest mountains (Pinncale Bald and Perry Top) just showing off how beautiful of a day it was.
Toward the top, there is a great view to the northeast over the Campbell Creek cove toward Buck Mountain, home of Ghost Town.
And from the top of Waterock (around 6,292 feet), is a great view into Maggie Valley. You can see Ghost town in the upper left.
And, finally, looking due East past Browning Knob (in the far right of the picture).
So off to the jeep and into Waynesville for lunch. More pics coming tomorrow of the hike to Devil’s and Richland Balsam, but off to do some real work for a while. Before I leave, one final post. Back into the jeep, dogs are watered and ready for the ride. Kodiak rests his head on his buddy Qannik for the drive.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
You pups are very well behaved in your seat belts. We tend to throw a fit when we are in the car and have to wear those blasted things. If only Mom would leave them unattended so we could chew them up!
Steve and Kat