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Caption This: A Booming Boom Boom

May 28, 2021 |

Hu-Dad went out to a local restaurant for dinner last night and left us home alone. We’re still overcoming the shock to our system for such a slight. After all, why wouldn’t he want all of us to have some refried beans and burritos like he did? When he came home, Landon gave him an earful—sort of a booming Boom Boom. But what exactly did the Boomster have to say? Give us your best guess in this week’s Caption This.

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Neighborhood Watch

May 27, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey values his naps. No one should ever wake him or he will be grumpy. Of course, he’s grumpy most of the time, so that’s hard to tell, but we digress. In this case, His Curmudgeonliness sat up and stared out the study window at the front yard. What caught his attention? A rabbit? A squirrel? Another neighborhood dog on a walk? We don’t know, but we give him points for attentiveness.

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Work Stoppage

May 25, 2021 |

Hu-Dad stepped out of his study for a few minutes. When he returned, he planned to roll his chair under his desk and resume his busyness, but we had other ideas. Our strategic placement prevents his access, a perfect approach for our work stoppage. We will issue our demands later… as soon as our afternoon nap is complete.

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You’re Going To What?

May 23, 2021 |

Hu-Dad sat down in the floor with Typhoon who was already suspicious of the threat of close human contact. The Little Prince isn’t big on cuddling except on his own terms. When Hu-Dad mentioned the furs were getting out of control and a brushing was required, His Royal Highness responded, “You’re going to what?” Don’t believe us? Check out the reaction photo on our website.

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I Don’t Wanna Say

May 22, 2021 |

Hu-Grandmom came through her hip replacement surgery with flying colors, but Hu-Dad spent time at the hospital with her and left Frankie Suave in charge of his younger brothers. When Hu-Dad came home, he asked Frankie how things went, but Mr. Suave, the benevolent alpha (aka, leave him out of things and he doesn’t care what mischief happens), was flummoxed with the question. Best we can tell, Frankie simply took the Fifth Amendment and said, “I don’t wanna say.”

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Caption This: I Have To Tell You Something

May 21, 2021 |

Hu-Dad noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see this face looking up at him. Those wide eyes, the ears back, and the perfect sit all made it clear the Little Prince was saying, “I have to tell you something.” But what did Typhoon have to report? Come on, Dear Readers, we expect some good responses for this week’s Caption This.

P.S.—We appreciate your good thoughts today for our Hu-Grandmom who is having hip replacement surgery today.

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Resist This

May 20, 2021 |

Quitting time for the Hu-Dad’s busyness happens to coincide with walk time for us. As you can imagine, we have a daily negotiation of exactly what time that should occur. When Hu-Dad suggested he needed 15 more minutes, Roscoe decided to engage the ultimate “resist this” face. So, Dear Reader, what do you think happened?

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The Good And The Bad

May 18, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey entered the study with his usual grin of mischievousness. Frankie Suave, meanwhile, was napping under the desk. Makes it fairly easy to spot who is the good and the bad, doesn’t it? Though Typhoon would prefer it if you would just suggest he is misunderstood.

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Planning Meeting

May 16, 2021 |

Hu-Dad discovered a planning meeting being held under his desk in his study. When he asked what the threesome were discussing, they refused comment. For the record, Landon was bounding through the house, but has also refused to explain whether that was a diversionary tactic or just normal Boom Boom Behavior. More will be revealed whenever Hu-Dad figures it out.

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The Princely Glare

May 15, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey masters the look of disapproval on his humans, but what might be upsetting His Grumpiness on a Saturday? Your guess is as good as ours, but we thought you should experience the Princely Glare.

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Paving The Way

May 14, 2021 |

Frankie Suave was the first to meet our new vet now that we have moved back to Asheville. Not because he was the oldest or because anything is wrong, but because his rabies vaccination was due by the end of the month. He wowed the staff with his friendly behavior and good manners, so they have high expectations for his younger brothers. Oh, oops, that might have set a bar just a wee bit high for the mischief making youngsters. Frankie just says he’s paving the way, though now he gets to sit back and watch with amusement. For the record, Typhoon is next. Chuckle.

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A Nosy Armrest

May 13, 2021 |

If you slave away at a desk, you might think someone is always watching over your shoulder, supervising to ensure you complete your tasks. In Hu-Dad’s case, it’s not over his shoulder, but under, courtesy of Roscoe P. and a certain nosy armrest. Guess he’s just making sure Hu-Dad does his busyness.

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