News / Blog Posts
Flower Child
Each member of The Herd has their own reputation, but we do not talk as often about Kodiak. He is simply a very good boy, rarely causing any problem, and everyone’s good natured pal. Anyone who ever approaches the Jeep can attest that Kodiak is always the greeting committee, most willing to share kisses and…
Read Today's Herd StoryBunnies and Hopping
Since this is Blog Hop Saturday, this story seems very appropriate. Friday night, we were doing a walk on the roads around our neighborhood. As we have explained before, we only have one year round neighbor and none of the rental houses have any guests in them this week, so the wildlife is quite comfortable…
Read Today's Herd StoryMelting Snowflake
P.S. #1 – Qannik is Inuit for Snowflake, thus the title. As our buddy Bricey well knows, Qannik came to us from the Haywood Animal Shelter with the name Snowflake. We decided to keep the name, but change the language. P.S. # 2 – Yes, it has been very hot here. But we have to…
Read Today's Herd StoryVisitors Below
We hiked one of our favorite trails on Sunday, the Richland Balsam Mountain Trail. We like it because we tend to have the trail to ourselves and because it has a point on the trail that comes out about 50 feet (15 meters) over the overlook for cars that is the highest point of the…
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Where Nothing Happened
A week after the cantaloupe incident, the humans were back at The Herd Annex (hu-grandmom’s house) visiting Tartok and Ruby. Ruby reports that no food was countersurfed. No wrestling matches ensued. So how would you describe this evening, Ruby? Oh, come on, Ruby, surely something interesting happened. Some crazy adventure. Some wild moment.
Read Today's Herd StoryPizza Night – Again!
Our hu-dad finally got around to mowing our field. He started at 6 a.m. Sunday morning, was finished around 11, only got the tractor stuck once (snicker), and got rained on for about 15 minutes. When he got back to the house, we were well rested and ready to go for our adventure. We went…
Read Today's Herd StoryMaking Faces
Saturday, we had to run some errands in Asheville and decided to stop at Panera Bread for lunch. Great place to eat lunch because we can sit at the outside tables near The Herd, making sure that everyone behaves. In between the various admirers who had to stop and say hello, The Herd practices their…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Other Side of June
P.S. – Daily rain like we get in June is great for making things grow – sometimes a little too well. Many people do not realize how much precipitation this area receives. Some of the southern facing slopes in Haywood (our county) and Transylvania (our neighbor) Counties receive over 100 inches (254 cm) of rain…
Read Today's Herd Story