News / Blog Posts

Name Game – Cheoah

July 4, 2010 |

First off, to all of our USA friends – Happy Independence Day!  Hope you have a terrific day – and spend a little time remembering the courage it took to declare our independence from the most powerful empire in the world. Our pal Frankie thought it would be a great idea to take this day and…

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Name Game – Qannik

July 3, 2010 |

Time for the next to last installment of the Name Game with Qannik.  If you want to participate, check out Frankie’s blog and the rules of the game.  We bent the rules and are taking a post every day this week to explain where each member of The Herd’s name came from.  We will finish on July…

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Name Game – Kodiak

July 2, 2010 |

Back to Chez Herd to continue the name game today with Kodiak.  If you want to participate, check out Frankie’s blog and the rules of the game.  We bent the rules and are going to take a post every day this week and explain where each member of The Herd’s name came from.  We will, at least,…

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Name Game – Ruby

July 1, 2010 |

The name game continues, but we are traveling back across the valley to tell you about Ruby.  For the rest of the week, we will tell you about Kodiak, Qannik and then wrap it up Sunday with Cheoah.   If you want to participate, check out Frankie’s blog and the rules of the game.  We will, at…

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Name Game – Kiska

June 30, 2010 |

We are continuing with the name game today with Kiska.  If you want to participate, check out Frankie’s blog and the rules of the game.  We bent the rules and are going to take a post every day this week and explain where each member of The Herd’s name came from.  We will, at least, finish on…

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Name Game – Tartok

June 29, 2010 |

The name game continues.  If you want to participate, check out Frankie’s blog and the rules of the game.  We are taking a post every day this week and explaining where each member of The Herd’s name came from.  We will, at least, finish on July 4 – the day when everyone is supposed to post their…

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Name Game – Rusty

June 28, 2010 |

As we mentioned yesterday, our pal Frankie asked that everyone take some time on their blogs on July 4th to explain where our names came from.  We also mentioned that we are ignoring the rules of the game, though we hope all of you will play the game and let us know your backstory.  Anyway, we…

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Name Game – Natasha

June 27, 2010 |

Our pal Frankie has asked that everyone take some time on their blogs on July 4th to explain where our names came from.  While there are rules to this game, we Siberian Huskies are notorious for not following the rules.  So, in our case, we are going to take a post every day this week…

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Kiska – Princess of the Jungle

June 26, 2010 |


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Take Your Dog to Work Day

June 25, 2010 |

Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day where your canine pals can go with you to your workplace.  So guess who the hu-dad decided to take to work? The hu-dad decided – none of us.  Can you believe it?  Something about wanting to remain employed next week.  Hrmph.  Who does he think we are?…

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June Tree Check

June 24, 2010 |
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A Cheesewhiz Woo

June 23, 2010 |

Morning song time is a tradition at Chez Herd. This morning, Cheoah the Cheesewhiz was inside when song time began, so she got to show off her solo skills with the Sibernacle Choir.

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