News / Blog Posts
Feeling Sorry For Us?
The hu-dad says we have run pictures like the above way too many times. The humans stop and have pizza and beer, or BBQ and beer, or Mexican food and beer – well, you get the picture – and leave us starving puppies out in the car. For some reason, the hu-dad thinks that is…
Read Today's Herd StoryCalling Trail
Our two favorite sports, dog sledding and hiking, both have courtesy rules around sharing the trail. Essentially, if someone “calls trail,” the other party should yield the trail. A simple courtesy. The rules of who yields to who are actually simple – whoever has the best ability to yield the trail should. The person at…
Read Today's Herd StoryFocus
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Read Today's Herd StoryBreaking the Peace
The humans, however, call a halt to the wrestling match because leashes can get tangled. The match would simply resume when we got back home.
Read Today's Herd StoryBig Dogs Are Back
All winter, we talk about our neighbors, Cataloochee Ski. But with spring in the air, our other neighbor, Cataloochee Ranch, is busily preparing to welcome summer guests. The ranch is open year round for guests, but summers are busy as people want to get outdoors on hiking and horse trails. With 1000 acres of ranch…
Read Today's Herd StorySiberian Shadow Shot Saturday???
Hey – we know its Shadow Shot Sunday. But we are Siberians. We don’t follow no stinking rules. So we officially declare it Shadow Shot Saturday. (By the way, if it makes you feel better, come back tomorrow and think of it as Shadow Shot Sunday). ***** ***** ***** …
Read Today's Herd Story