News / Blog Posts

Hu-Dad Weekend To Do List

July 19, 2013 |

One of the great things about being a working breed is that we can always identify work that needs to be done. Oh, not that we would actually do any of it, but we can sure fill up a hu-dad weekend to do list.

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Typhoon Bed Time

July 18, 2013 |

One of the entertaining things about having a youngster in the house is bed time. Let’s just say a certain young Typhoon wants to see how far he can extend time until he has to go to bed. Here is a typical evening. In case you are curious, every other pup is in their crates…

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Waiting on the Video

July 17, 2013 |

That’s right. The hu-dad worked on a new video for the website. Unfortunately, right when he was ready to load it, he noticed that the new website servers are throwing off some errors. Many of you have probably noticed some really slow server response times. Anyway, long story short, the hu-dad decided loading a new…

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Is It Dinner Time Yet?

July 16, 2013 |

Natasha, Kiska and Qannik ask the most important question asked every day here at Chez Herd – Is it dinner time yet?

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Qannik’s Monday Reaction

July 15, 2013 |

We had a great weekend – long hike on Saturday and a rainy, quiet day around the house on Sunday. No matter what the weekend, though, we are all a little surprised at how fast Monday rolls around. Here is Qannik’s Monday reaction.

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Example of Queen Natasha The Evil

July 14, 2013 |

As long time readers know, the leader of The Thundering Herd is Queen Natasha the Evil. But why do we call her “The Evil”. Let us give you an example of Queen Natasha the Evil.

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Trust Me

July 13, 2013 |

Queen Natasha the Evil seems a little incredulous that the hu-dad might actually be questioning whether she plans to play in the mud hole directly in front of her. Not incredulous that she would. Incredulous that he would question it. *****     *****     *****     *****     *****

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Regal Sophistication

July 12, 2013 |

Queen Natasha the Evil must always maintain the proper decorum and regal sophistication considering her important role as leader of The Herd. Those rules even apply in sleep. Mostly.

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The View Never Changes

July 11, 2013 |

Our porches are perfect for the humans to sit and enjoy the gorgeous mountain scenery. Unfortunately, our hu-dad says his view never changes.

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Snoozervision Herd Style

July 10, 2013 |
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Ruby Tuesday – Between Decorum and Relaxation

July 9, 2013 |

Over at the Herd Annex (the hu-grandmom’s house), Ruby is pondering the balance between decorum and relaxation. Tartok, as you will see, has no debate.

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Venturing into the Forbidden Zone

July 8, 2013 |

As we have described before, we have a large dog lot fenced behind the house affectionately known as Sibe Quentin. The dogs have full access to two large covered porches on either side of the house. However, we also have the “Forbidden Zone” located inside its own fencing right in the middle of Sibe Quentin.…

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