News / Blog Posts

Siberian Whisperings

February 8, 2014 |

Hu-dad is always saying we plot and plan against him, some sort of weird Siberian whisperings of conspiracy or something. Who, us? *****     *****     *****     *****     ***** $560 raised so far for Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation with just a week to go before Valentines Day. The contest…

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Mystery of the Muddy Paw Prints

February 7, 2014 |

Today, we bring you one of those great mystery stories. Somehow, someway, mysterious muddy paw prints have appeared inside the house. Hu-dad wants to solve the Mystery of the Muddy Paw Prints! *****     *****     *****     *****     ***** We received another $90 in yesterday’s mail, so our total…

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Typhoon Going to the Good Side

February 6, 2014 |

With just over a week to go in the Valentines Hearts for The Herd contest, Typhoon has realized his bad boy image is not garnering him the lead in Valentines. So he is going to the good side of things and see if that will work. *****     *****     *****    …

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Counting Noses

February 5, 2014 |

Hu-dad was well trained by our first Siberian Husky, Nikita, who was a masterful Escape Artist (click that link for an old story of her escaping ways!). One of his habits now is counting noses – a periodic pause when we are in the yard to make sure that all Siberian noses are present inside…

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Frankie and Typhoon Get A Head(er)

February 4, 2014 |

Frankie and Typhoon have been lobbying for this for a very long time and the hu-dad FINALLY delivered. At long last, Frankie and Typhoon get a head(er). Really, we mean a blog header. In case you didn’t notice above, the hu-dad finally made us a new blog header. It is so hard to get good…

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Lovely Weather for a Walk

February 3, 2014 |

After a sunny, perfect day on Saturday, the weather forecast for Sunday was cloudy with rain starting around 6 pm. So, of course, we went for a walk on the closed Blue Ridge Parkway around noon – only to be met with fog and rain. Shrug, we just got wet!

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Spring and Winter

February 2, 2014 |

After a long, cold and snowy January, our first day of February was unseasonably warm and sunny. We all enjoyed a beautiful spring-like day, even if we still had plenty of winter around. Nice to have spring and winter all at the same time. *****     *****     *****     *****  …

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The Dog Ate My Mail

February 1, 2014 |

We often talk about how great it is to live in a small town. Our postal carrier, who we know by first name, will often bring our mail to the house if we have a package too big for the mailbox (which is down on a main road). Our UPS and Fed Ex drivers often…

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A Queen’s Routine

January 31, 2014 |

When you are the top dog, it is your responsibility to make sure that Chez Herd is running smoothly. Today, we give you a peek at a Queen’s Routine. *****     *****     *****     *****     ***** Hurry and get your Valentines in the mail! Please enclose a check or…

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Breaking the Peace

January 30, 2014 |

*****     *****     *****     *****     ***** Hurry and get your Valentines in the mail! Please enclose a check or money order to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation.  Sarge’s helped over 1100 animals find new homes in 2013 – yes, that is an average of 3 every single day –…

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Monitoring the Weather Carefully

January 29, 2014 |

We had one of those Siberian perfect days yesterday where it just snowed steadily from sunrise to sunset. The day was spent running outside, wrestling and playing, running inside for naps, and repeat. But even while inside, the Herd was monitoring the weather carefully. *****     *****     *****     *****  …

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Valentines Hearts for The Herd Contest – Typhoon

January 28, 2014 |

You have probably noticed that our presenters for the Valentines Hearts for The Herd Contest have been in the order they arrived at Chez Herd. So, of course, we end our presentations with Typhoon! Remember, the rules are simple. Mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at (make sure it ARRIVES before…

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