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Bouncy Bounding Boom Boom
We share in the duties of modeling for the Hu-Dad and his camera, so we each take turns posing for a few photos. Sometimes, though, especially on a Friday afternoon, you just don’t want to work. Instead, Landon opted to engage the bouncy bounding Boom Boom. Hu-Dad did his best.
Read Today's Herd StoryInto The Shadows
So many choices for the perfect napping spot on a sunny August afternoon. Frankie Suave has decided to head into the shadows to enjoy the cool pavers and nice mountain breezes. He would promise not to snore too loud, but some promises are too hard to keep.
Read Today's Herd StoryJust A Little Drizzle
Mountain weather is notoriously unpredictable, so Hu-Dad uses three different weather apps to monitor incoming storms. Two said no rain for the next hour and one suggested we would get just a little drizzle. None of them predicted the driving rain we received. The Little Prince would like to have a discussion with those weather app companies… after he finishes giving Hu-Dad the Royal Look of Scorn.
Read Today's Herd StoryLunch Companions
Our poor Hu-Dad eats a bowl of unbuttered, unsalted popcorn every day for lunch. With our slightly cooler weather, he moved his meal outside to the pavilion. Don’t worry, though, his faithful lunch companions happily joined him so he wouldn’t feel lonely. How thoughtful and unselfish of Roscoe and Typhoon to think all about the Hu-Dad and not even consider that awesome smelling popcorn.
Read Today's Herd StoryWatching The Neighbors
Landon was carefully performing his security duties by searching for any invading food particles that may have been dropped from the outdoor dining table. The canine siblings who live next door were outside, so Boom Boom added watching the neighbors to his task list. Yes, we are working dogs and can manage two tasks at once. Three if you count looking cute.
Read Today's Herd StoryYou Would Tell Me, Right?
We’ve all been there. You have something stuck in your teeth, your zipper is undone, or something else embarrassing is happening without your knowledge. You turn to that special friend and say, “You would tell me, right?” That same person wouldn’t capture your moment on camera and share on the internet, now would they?
Read Today's Herd StoryWho Is Taking The Blame?
Our morning walk yesterday ran into a wee obstacle. A tree had fallen across the greenway. His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his sidekick, Roscoe P., were quite impressed with the level of destruction. While normally guilty of such chaos, in this case, they pleaded their innocence and wondered who was taking the blame.
Read Today's Herd StoryCruel Hu-Dad
We know everyone will sympathize with poor Typhoon’s plight. He asked to go out to the yard and our cruel Hu-Dad didn’t tell him it had rained and the grass was wet. He would have to get his feety-feet wet! The horror! The Royal Look Of Scorn sums things up perfectly. You may now share your messages of sympathy with the Little Prince.
Read Today's Herd StoryBut Did It Work?
Bestest buds Roscoe P. and His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey chase each other an estimated eleventy-seven bazillion times a day (according to Hu-Dad). Once again, you see Roscoe racing around his pal in his best attempt to spark a new game. The question, though, is did it work? Click for the answer.
Read Today's Herd StoryUnauthorized Break
Hu-Dad thought all the canines were sleeping soundly, so he snuck out of his study to take an unauthorized break from his busyness. His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey doesn’t tolerate such shenanigans and followed the Hu-Dad to find out what he was doing. Busted.
Read Today's Herd StoryA Little Help Here
Frankie Suave doesn’t ask for much. Breakfast and dinner with snacks in between. Two walks a day. Sufficient ear scratches and belly rubs. Part of the human bed at night. And not having to stay outside too long when it’s hot and humid. That last part seems to be a problem as he’s waiting on a little help here.
Read Today's Herd StorySomething Mischievous This Way Comes
The Trouble Brothers were up to their usual antics last night. Here, Roscoe raced past the Hu-Dad to catch up with some chaos Typhoon stirred up. Like best friends Jim Nightshade and William Halloway in Ray Bradbury’s classic tale, those two go everywhere together. So, with a nod to the great Mr. Bradbury, let’s call this Something Mischievous This Way Comes.
Read Today's Herd Story