News / Blog Posts

A Tale of Two Siberians

October 6, 2014 |

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, . . . – Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities For some odd reason, Charles Dickens’ story came to Hu-dad’s mind as he was standing outside last night with the temperature…

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Falling Apart

October 5, 2014 |

No, the blog titles does not refer to our current injured reserve. Natasha is griping that things are falling apart without her outside in Chez Herd to control things.

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Riddle Time

October 4, 2014 |

It’s riddle time! Ready? What is more fun than having one dog recovering from TPLO surgery? Answer – Having TWO dogs recovering from TPLO surgery! No, Cheesewhiz, Hu-dad says it is not very funny, but he says that sometimes you just have to laugh. Somehow, someway, Cheoah injured her leg Thursday. Vet appointment and x-rays…

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Last Warm Day

October 3, 2014 |

We have been enjoying some nice, warm fall days, but all of that is about to change this weekend. Temperatures should drop by over 20 degrees with a nice freeze over the weekend. Thus, we had to enjoy the last warm day.

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Q-Tip Day

October 2, 2014 |

Yesterday was National Black Dog Day. Qannik was feeling a little left out, so we decided to declare today National Q-Tip Day – dedicated to our own cottony Qannik!

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Biggest Cuddler

October 1, 2014 |

Who is the biggest cuddler of The Herd? The answer is very easy – Frankie!

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TPLO Recovery Week Two

September 30, 2014 |

Yesterday was the two week mark since Natasha’s surgery to repair her torn CCL. Yesterday was also an examination by the surgeon to review her progress. The verdict on her TPLO recovery? The surgeon was very pleased with the speed of Natasha’s recovery. She has both the ability and desire to flex and use the…

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A Near Chomp

September 29, 2014 |

Typhoon’s smile suggests he isn’t worried about the near chomp. Is he overconfident or did everything come out okay in the end?

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I Don’t Wanna

September 28, 2014 |

Those humans who decide to share their lives with Siberian Huskies learn a key phrase – “I don’t wanna.” That endearing streak of stubbornness has a real value as a sled dog – the ability to sense danger in a musher’s command and chose a safer alternative. However, it reveals itself differently in everyday life.…

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The Next Chapter

September 27, 2014 |

Yesterday, Frankie and Cheoah were hanging out in the safety zone of the picnic table away from Typhoon. Let’s show you the next chapter.

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Safety Zone

September 26, 2014 |

The picnic table has always been the safety zone at Chez Herd, keeping notorious pests away.

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Sunning Sibes

September 25, 2014 |

We are having a terrific stretch of fall weather – cool, clear and sunny. Weather like this, of course, brings out our crop of sunning Sibes.

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