
Coke, Coker-Doke
Adopted from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Shelter June 30, 1990 at about 8 weeks old and my first dog as an adult. She and her entire litter had been dropped off there. Primarily a Pembroke Corgi, Coke was small but full of spirit.
Smart, confident, loving and very sweet. She spent as much time as she possibly could stretched out in my lap. Coke loved to hike. Thorough mothering instinct and raised Nikita and Ginger. Only difference was that Ginger listened to her and Nikita - well, Nikita was a Siberian Husky. But she must have taught Nikita something, because when Natasha came home, Coke was already in declining in health and passed the mothering to Nikita.
A demanding confident bark when she needed it and the most high pitched, spine rattling whine when she was not getting her way.
Where she slept
In my lap watching tv.
Where she rode in the car
Curled up in the back seat.
Favorite activity
Racing around the yard wrestling with Ginger and Nikita and sleeping in my lap.
Rainbow Bridge
Passed August 27, 2003 at the age of 13 from complications from Lymphoma. She was diagnosed about 5 weeks after we lost Ginger (I have always thought she just greatly missed her pal and wanted to go see her again at the Rainbow Bridge). We were able to spend 3 great weeks with her letting her know how much she was loved and saying good-bye before losing her.