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Caption This: We Dare You
For about a week, Hu-Dad has been holding this photo of His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey conducting his aggressive napping in the backyard. Such, uh, grace. Such, er, finesse. Such, gulp, refinement. What can Hu-Dad possibly say that the neighbors haven’t already wondered? But then he realized he didn’t have to get in trouble with the Little Curmudgeon by captioning the photo. He’d let the readers do it. So, go ahead, Dear Reader, we dare you to caption this week’s photo.
Read Today's Herd StorySpying On The Neighbors
Frankie Suave has many duties as the leader of The Herd. He has to claim the prime napping spots. He must remind the Hu-Dad about walk and meal times. He’s responsible for telling his brothers to calm down and be quiet. But, most importantly, he’s responsible for the all important spying on the neighbors.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Joy Of Boom
We Siberian Huskies are built for running. Wide-open speed. The acceleration of zero to furry-blur. No one in The Herd likes his zoomies quite as much as Landon. Those eyes sparkling. The broad grin. This is the joy of Boom. Or Boom Boom in our case.
Read Today's Herd StorySunshine On Your Face
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey demonstrates one of the great pleasures of a summer morning—sunshine on your face. No reason to mention to him that his bestest brother, Roscoe P., is sneaking up on him for a surprise attack.
Read Today's Herd StoryEven Robots Respect Suave
Every afternoon, our robovac fires up and wages its daily battle with our dirt and fur, a challenge in a multiple canine family. Most of us don’t care much for the device, but Frankie Suave isn’t afraid of some robots. He does get irritated his naps are interrupted, but otherwise refuses to move and makes the robot work around him.
Read Today's Herd StoryDangerous Intersection Ahead
Top speed zoomie games are our favorite entertainment in the backyard, but we might still be working on the right-of-way rules. This full-speed moment might have ended in a collision or just a near-miss, but the best part is the trash talk (is that trash woo?) that occurs. So, Dear Reader, since this is Friday, who said what to whom? Go ahead, caption this photo between The Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his best buddy Roscoe P.
Read Today's Herd StoryCan You Identify This Bird?
We were enjoying time in our backyard when Hu-Dad heard rustling in the bushes near some bird feeders. Hoping to capture a photo of one our avian friends, he aimed his camera and caught this unique looking creature attempting to extract some seed. Hu-Dad thinks it’s a Landoness Boom-Boomness, but he isn’t positive. Can you identify this bird?
Read Today's Herd StoryI Can’t Hear You
We’re enjoying our yard now that the fence has been completed. We no longer have to have leashes on to simply go outside. Unfortunately for Hu-Dad, that also means we can ignore him when he suggests it’s time to go back inside. Note how Landon perfectly demonstrates Siberian Selective Deafness. He’s communicating clearly, “I can’t hear you.”
Read Today's Herd StorySenior Confidence
When you have multiple siblings, you never know when the next prank might happen. You remain aware walking across the yard in case someone is waiting to pounce. Unless, of course, you are the big cheese. The boss. The big guy. The king. The one and only Frankie Suave. Then you strut across the yard with senior confidence.
Read Today's Herd StoryDon’t You Dare
Warm, sunny afternoons are perfect for His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey to stretch out in the grass and enjoy a nap. Perfect except for the pesky little brother, Roscoe P., who seems determined to stir up some fun. The Little Prince throws his best Don’t You Dare look, but did Roscoe heed the warning?
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Smile!
Our rain has stopped. The sun is out. We are looking forward to a great weekend and hope you are too. How can we make your Friday better? How about a great big smile from Roscoe P. Since it is Caption This Friday, go ahead and let us know what you think he is saying behind that grin.
Read Today's Herd StoryRoyal Snit Fit
We are accustomed to receiving compliments on our walks including the one that amuses the Hu-Dad the most (“They are so well-behaved!” – Boy, can Hu-Dad roll his eyes). Yesterday, a lady commented on our furry coats and then asked why Typhoon’s looked, well, less-brushed. Hu-Dad said because of the Royal Snit Fit. She might not have understood the answer, but any of us who have heard the screams of horror emanating from the Little Prince when a brush approaches understand.
Read Today's Herd Story