Even Robots Respect Suave

When you are so calm your nickname is Frankie Suave, even robots know better than to ruffle your fur.

Even robots respect Frankie Suave
Even robots respect Frankie Suave

Every afternoon, our robovac fires up and wages its daily battle with our dirt and fur, a challenge in a multiple canine family. Most of us don’t care much for the device, but Frankie Suave isn’t afraid of some robots. He does get irritated his naps are interrupted, but otherwise refuses to move and makes the robot work around him.

For the record, we will never get such a photograph of Roscoe. He refuses to be in the same room with it.

Why is this thing bumping into my paw?
Why is this thing bumping into my paw?
Go away, robot, I am taking my nap.
Go away, robot, I am taking my nap.


  1. Donna Wolfe on July 31, 2021 at 10:37 am

    My former Motley Crew would have flipped it to see what the under side looked like ?

  2. Jean Burkhardt on July 31, 2021 at 9:41 am

    Frankie surely lives up to the title of SUAVE!!! He’s not at all ruffled by the ROBOT but merely annoyed!

  3. tammyj on July 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    WOW! nerves of steel. that IS impressive! xo

  4. Don Davis on July 31, 2021 at 5:40 am

    Well, that cements Frankie’s legendary status!!! Nerves of steel in the face of the dread VAKOOOM.

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