News / Blog Posts
Kitchen Inspection
One of Hu-Dad’s crazy rules is no canines can assist with the human meal preparations. Fortunately, Typhoon doesn’t put much stock in human rules, so he decided to pull a surprise kitchen inspection. In his defense, the humans were having hamburgers.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Look of Innocence
Typhoon has always had a disdain for rules. Telling him not to do something usually results in a defiant glare and an immediate, blatant commission of the crime. Unfortunately for him, even when he wasn’t involved in some mischief, he’s totally forgotten the look of innocence needed to avoid blame.
Read Today's Herd StoryFriday Like Boom
We hope you’re looking forward to the weekend. Since Hu-Dad works from home, there isn’t much difference for us, but Landon still believes in celebrating everything. So start the weekend right by enjoying Friday like Boom.
Read Today's Herd StoryLazy Afternoon
For some odd reason, the Hu-Dad suggested that our noisy games should move outside to the backyard, but then we decided being noisy wasn’t as much fun and opted for a lazy afternoon enjoying the summer breeze instead.
Read Today's Herd StoryTrouble Downtime
Even His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey needs to take some trouble downtime from mischief creation. As he naps, though, what does the other half of the Trouble Brothers do? Visit today’s post for the answer.
Read Today's Herd StoryTaking The High Ground
We’re getting a couple days break from our very hot weather, so some play time in the backyard broke out. While the youngsters raced, tagged, and wrestled, Frankie made clear his choice for taking the high ground well away from the chaos. Besides, that’s the closest position to the air conditioning and no Sibe refuses that option in the summer.
Read Today's Herd StoryWhere’s The Fire?
The backyard project is almost—but not quite—complete. The finishing touches were completed on the fireplace, but the crews still need to stain the wood and finish the landscaping. As he completes his inspection, Roscoe’s only question is “Where’s the fire?” We think we might wait for colder weather which we’re dreaming will be here soon.
Read Today's Herd StoryEars Closed For Business
Such a peaceful, quiet afternoon. Perfect for relaxing after a busy day of mischief and chaos. Some lesser dogs might notice the Hu-Dad’s mutterings about misbehavior and trouble, but not Typhoon. With his ears closed for business, he isn’t bothered by such nuisances.
Read Today's Herd StoryDon’t Even Think About It
Some of you are thinking the same thing Hu-Dad thought. Those little tufts of hair look so pluckable. A good brushing would help so much. Typhoon reminds you that both violate his no touching rule, so don’t even think about it.
Read Today's Herd StoryWho Moves In Our Woods?
A reader suggested we add a feature called Two For Tuesday where we share two photos instead of our normal one. Let’s try it out with a simple quiz. Who moves in our woods that would bring a screeching halt to the Trouble Brother games? Click for the answer.
Read Today's Herd StoryNo Comment
We’ve all been there. You’re doing something assuming no one is watching only to realize that someone has seen the whole thing. How do you explain yourself? His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is quite versed in such situations and says the only answer is, “No comment.”
Read Today's Herd StoryDispleased With The Service
With the heat and humidity of summer upon us, we are enjoying the shade of our pavilion with its cool stones and ceiling fan. Well, most of us are enjoying it. Based on the look of His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey, he is displeased with the service at Chez Herd. Hu-Dad’s next performance review will be soon.
Read Today's Herd Story