News / Blog Posts

Typhoon’s Expressions

August 20, 2014 |

Since most of our readers are animal fans, you know how they like to let us know exactly how they feel about things.  Let’s look at couple of Typhoon’s expressions. Typhoon considers himself the official timekeeper for meals (though Qannik is a quite vocal back-up).  The only problem, according to hu-dad, is Typhoon’s internal clock…

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Wake Up, Sleepyhead

August 19, 2014 |

Hu-dad was stretched out in the floor watching a movie when he looked up to see a sleeping Cheoah.  Cheesewhiz was called awake to show off her great smile.  Come on, wake up, sleepyhead and show us that grin. P.S. – Yes, we love the fact that the hu-dad was stretched out on the floor…

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Royal Inspection

August 18, 2014 |

Yesterday, we told you how the hu-dad spent the day painting a room (and we helped by playing outside).  Hu-dad was painting the bonus room – the room over the garage – which is being turned into an upstairs den to go with our guest bedrooms.  (Since we moved in to this house two years…

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How We Help Paint a Room

August 17, 2014 |

Last week, we showed you how the hu-dad was using some painter’s tape to prepare a room for painting.  With all of that prep work done, hu-dad decided to take Saturday and get that room painted.  So do you want to see how we help paint a room?

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What Really Happens in the Study

August 16, 2014 |

As hu-dad works from his study, he always has some members of The Herd surrounding him.  Normally, you see pictures of how well behaved we all are.  But we thought we would show you what really happens in the study.

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August 15, 2014 |

Temptations are always difficult to resist, but particularly when you are a Typhoon.  How did he do?  

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Hard Working Day

August 14, 2014 |

Finally, after days of rain, the sun was out – perfect for a hard working day. Hu-dad spent the day mowing the field and we supervised.

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Rainy Day Blues

August 13, 2014 |

While better than the drought conditions of so many of our friends, we are at the end of five straight days of rain – about 3 inches (7 cm) of rain in total.  We have a serious case of rainy day blues.

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Middle of the Road

August 12, 2014 |

It is important to always maintain balance, which could be another way of saying that you should stay in the middle of the road.  And how do you translate that as a canine?

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Painter’s Tape

August 11, 2014 |

The hu-dad is painting one of the rooms in our house, so he was applying some painter’s tape yesterday. The purpose of painter’s tape is to line the edge of the area you are painting so that you create a nice, sharp line at the edge.  In other words, it creates a boundary to keep…

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Fortune Cookie

August 10, 2014 |

Hu-dad ate dinner at a Chinese Restaurant last night.  For some reason, he thought a member of The Herd would appreciate his fortune cookie.

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Rainy Day Work

August 9, 2014 |

When you are a working breed, you are expected to work no matter what the weather.  What do you do when it rains?  Rainy day work tasks, of course.  And how did Frankie spend yesterday while it rained outside? Working in hu-dad’s study, of course.

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