Typhoon’s Expressions

Since most of our readers are animal fans, you know how they like to let us know exactly how they feel about things.  Let’s look at couple of Typhoon’s expressions.

Typhoon considers himself the official timekeeper for meals (though Qannik is a quite vocal back-up).  The only problem, according to hu-dad, is Typhoon’s internal clock runs a little fast.

Dinner is late

Dinner is two minutes late, hu-dad. Get moving.

As regular readers know, Typhoon is also known for getting a little exuberant inside the house.  Zoomies and couch olympics happen regularly, of course, but when hu-dad says to settle down, most of The Herd finds a spot.  Typhoon, however, ignores the request and often ends up tethered for a while.  During that tethered time, he can throw a pout.  Let’s see.


Hrmph. Not speaking to you hu-dad.

5 - 10 minutes

This will last at least five to ten minutes.



  1. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady on August 20, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    I love Typhoons face in that first photo!
    ჊ husky hugz ჊ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  2. holly on August 20, 2014 at 9:57 am

    Poor Ty. I am sure your time out feels like forever. Keep us laughing TY!

  3. Nanci on August 20, 2014 at 9:43 am

    Just wanted to let you know how much of a daily giggle I get reading the posts about the Thundering Herd. We have our own but have named them Husky Hijinx! They are only 4, but what any husky owner knows is that once you have 2, it feels like a herd. Love knowing that ours are so “normal” compared to yours…with pouting, internal time clocks, zoomies, and especially border patrols! Keep on posting, thank you.

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