News / Blog Posts
Labor Day 2014
Today is Labor Day. We celebrate by doing as little labor as possible. How are we doing?
Read Today's Herd StoryDinner Guests
Believe it or not, we were left at home while the hu-dad went across the valley to have dinner with the hu-grandmom. Oh, well, he did get to see our cousins at The Herd Annex – Ruby and Tartok – who were, as always, quite gracious hosts to their dinner guests.
Read Today's Herd StoryOut of Office
Long weekend here in the USA, so certainly time to be out of office. Once the hu-dad let’s us out, of course. Hope everyone has a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!
Read Today's Herd StoryUnder Pressure
Hu-dad is always asked where he comes up with his ideas for blog posts. He just laughs and says that living with a Herd of Siberian Huskies is an absolute guarantee that something blog worthy will happen every single day. Well, most every single day. Cheoah is feeling a little under pressure since the day…
Read Today's Herd StoryHunting Rabbits
Siberian Huskies are known for their high prey drive. Frankie is no exception with his ability of hunting rabbits. Sort of.
Read Today's Herd StoryResisting Temptation
Resisting temptation is difficult for all of us, but particularly difficult if your name is Typhoon. Posting the next picture would be pointless since no dog was in the frame.
Read Today's Herd StoryBear Story
We have a bear story for you today, as told to us by a US Park Ranger. Thought you would find it as amusing as hu-dad did. The reason the sign caught our eye is that bears on this trail are not unusual at all. We have even posted pictures of some of our bear…
Read Today's Herd StoryWaiting on the Hu-dad
Weekends are for hiking, not working on the computer, hu-dad. But we are always waiting on the hu-dad.
Read Today's Herd StoryNothing Gets By Us
With six noses and twelve ears, nothing gets by us in our yard.
Read Today's Herd StoryGame Face
Preparing for the fun of a weekend, so Typhoon is wearing his game face. Cheoah is sitting beside the hu-dad and Typhoon is doing his best to entice her into a game of chase and tag. Chaos ensued and hu-dad lost all ability to photograph.
Read Today's Herd StorySleeping Brothers
When things get quiet, hu-dad has to see what we are doing. Not sure why. Anyway, he happened upon this scene yesterday – sleeping brothers.
Read Today's Herd Story