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Rain fell so hard Monday morning that we never got our early walk. We can’t remember the last time we missed one, and we might have been a little rambunctious in the house. When a break finally came, Hu-Dad suggested we go outside and burn some energy. Somehow, though, the Trouble Brothers have found themselves in an old-fashioned standoff. P.S. – Don’t worry. We got our afternoon walk. Hu-Dad said that was happening no matter what.
Read Today's Herd StoryAm I Early For Dinner?
The weather has been perfect for the humans to eat their meals outside, so we have adapted to their routine by claiming prime spaces near the action. Typhoon seems to be a wee bit early for dinner since the table is still empty. Okay, actually a couple hours early, but a canine always has hope.
Read Today's Herd StoryDrive-By Roscoe Smile
Hu-Dad gets so serious about his busyness. He sits at his desk and goes clickety-clackety on his keyboard when he could be doing something practical like give us ear scratches. To remind him of the good stuff, Roscoe likes to stop by for a quick wink and smile before heading off on another adventure.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon’s Throne
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey eyes one of the decorative rocks in our backyard. Does he see it as a proper pedestal for posing? A throne to command? A dais for sharing his thoughts to the masses?
Read Today's Herd StoryMaking New Friends
Hu-Dad tells us we have to be on our best behavior during our twice-daily walks on the neighborhood greenway. We’re not exactly sure what Roscoe was up to that he was out of frame for this shot (probably found something good to sniff), but the rest of us were just making new friends. For some reason, Hu-Dad thinks we had more nefarious plans.
Read Today's Herd StoryNo Explanation Forthcoming
We really wonder what the neighbors think when they look outside and see a sleeping Typhoon. He says the grass is comfortable, the shade cool, and the snores constant. and that’s as much as he’s willing to comment. There will be no explanation forthcoming about his sleeping position.
Read Today's Herd StoryReturning From Games
The Trouble Brothers, Roscoe and Typhoon, love their playtime in the yard, but when the day is done, they can be found returning from games just in time for ear scritches, supper, and shut-eye. Have to recharge to do it all over again the next day.
Read Today's Herd StoryThat Guilty Look
Hu-Dad was enjoying a quiet afternoon in the backyard. To the best of his knowledge, nothing was amiss and everypup was behaving. That guilty look from Typhoon, however, suggest that maybe Hu-Dad should investigate a little more closely.
Read Today's Herd StoryA Deal Is A Deal
Our twice-daily walks offer many distractions such as rabbits and squirrels (and the occasional bear family), but Roscoe’s biggest weakness is other dogs. To keep him focused when passing another walking canine or one in their backyard, Roscoe receives a treat for good behavior. Yesterday, we passed a yard where one of his buddies hangs out, except the dog was not outside. Roscoe argues that he behaved well and deserves a treat. As his look says, a deal is a deal.
Read Today's Herd StoryFluffiest Fluffy Tail
Siberian Huskies are nicknamed curly tails for a reason. On a really cold day, you’ll see us curled up with that tail wrapped over our nose for insulation. Well, not us. We’ll be on the couch in front of the fireplace, but our cousins out there working. Landon sports the fluffiest fluffy tail. It might be a little over-the-top for the show ring, but we’re on the couch for that too!
Read Today's Herd StoryDon’t Look Them In The Eye
Sometimes the Hu-Dad drones on and on and on about rules and behavior and other such nonsense. When it comes to humans, though, Landon says if you don’t look them in the eye, then you can claim you never heard them say anything. And, yes, he was in the middle of a woo at this point too.
Read Today's Herd StoryLost Invitation
We had our dinner and then, we confess, we fell to sleep in a quick dog-nap. The house grew quiet, but surely the humans wouldn’t go eat outside without us, right? But it sure smells like dinner was eaten before we arrived, so maybe it’s a case of a lost invitation. Right, Hu-Dad?
Read Today's Herd Story