News / Blog Posts
Here Comes The Prince
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey was busy in the backyard and didn’t want to be bothered, so Hu-Dad and Roscoe spent some time playing games. Games? Wait! Typhoon wasn’t letting anyone have fun without him, so he came charging up to find out what was going on.
Read Today's Herd StoryAnnual Promise Not To Mention Our Hu-Aunt’s Birthday
Each year, our Hu-Dad’s sister warns him ensure sure we don’t mention her birthday or her age. She accuses us of being cute in the way we mention it, so we’re taking 53 extra precautions this year. For example, we developed 53 point action plan and reviewed it 53 times. Nope, not getting her age out of us. Then, to hold us publicly to our pledge, we’re posting this promise here so that you know we will not mention that today is her birthday. Aren’t we such good dogs?
Read Today's Herd StoryOur New, Shy Friend
We make many new friends when taking our twice-daily walks and love the extra attention and ear scratches. Our latest introduction, however, didn’t go quite so well because he turned out to be quite shy. Wouldn’t talk to us at all. Hu-Dad took the time to escort him safely across the trail.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Face Of Concern
Hu-Dad’s very ancient iMac finally crashed for the last time yesterday afternoon and doesn’t appear to be coming back. Fortunately, he has solid backups, so no data is lost, but working is challenging until a replacement arrives. All of his stress resulted in this face of concern from Typhoon. Uh, Typhoon. Seriously, just a little concern. Never mind.
Read Today's Herd StoryA Royal Entrance
We showed you just the other day Roscoe’s joyous entry to the yard, but His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey must remember his station in life by performing a somber royal entrance. Well, that, and he was miffed the doorman was 2.3 seconds slow in opening the door after a clear command had been given. So challenging to find good help when you’re a demanding little curmudgeon.
Read Today's Herd StorySquirrel Distraction
We’re having a stretch of perfect fall weather. Crisp, cool mornings followed by pleasant afternoons. Hu-Dad asked Landon to pose for some photographs in the backyard. Things were going great until a squirrel distraction interfered.
Read Today's Herd StoryHappy Reunion
Confession time. Roscoe is a daddy’s boy. He doesn’t ever like being separated from the Hu-Dad, even for the briefest period of time. This particular happy reunion came after a quite extended division of approximately three minutes. The appropriate canine mugging followed this photo.
Read Today's Herd StoryPlaying Quietly
It rained and rained and rained this weekend. We did get both our walks in every day, but we didn’t get our normal outdoor games in the yard. Hu-Dad suggested we keep ourselves amused without creating too much disturbance, so here is us playing quietly inside. How are we doing?
Read Today's Herd StoryTwenty-One Years Ago
For the last twenty-one years, the families of the 2,977 people killed on that tragic day have carried on without their loved ones. Emergency responders have suffered and died from the aftereffects of their heroic actions. Military members from our own troops and our allies have been injured and killed. Our world changed dramatically twenty-one years ago, so we pause today to mourn for all those impacted.
We also pause in gratitude for the random acts of kindness that day and ever since. Hu-Dad has been blessed to meet people around the globe, of various races and religions, and has been met with overwhelming kindness from them—human beings simply showing that we all can live in peace if we want. May someday we achieve that.
Until then, we will never forget the ones we lost.
Read Today's Herd StoryCalling Timeout
We aim for a quite rigorous pace on our twice-daily walks. Other than the requisite bathroom breaks and pausing for other humans to fawn over us, we don’t stop. Imagine our surprise when we found Roscoe calling timeout and planting himself quite firmly on the ground. Two squabbling squirrels scrabbled across a tree branch, making quite a ruckus. Roscoe, more accustomed to making a ruckus than witnessing one, refused to miss a minute of the show.
Read Today's Herd StoryModeling Is Hard Work
We strive to make our posts appear effortless. If we have done our jobs, you might think we just horse around, nap, and go on long walks, but that demonstrates our tremendous talents. As a working breed, we’re accustomed to long hours and strenuous labor, but sometimes you can catch one of us in an off moment yawning. Sorry, but modeling is hard work.
Read Today's Herd StoryPicture of Innocence
For some reason we will never understand, Hu-Dad suspects the Trouble Brothers might have a hint of delinquency between them. No basis of facts exists to support such a wild thought. When Hu-Dad opened the backdoor and asked the two of them what they were up to, their faces framed this perfect picture of innocence. Everyone agrees, right?
Read Today's Herd Story