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Sure, it might appear that all we do is play Siberian games while Hu-Dad takes photos of us, but this modeling is hard work.
We strive to make our posts appear effortless. If we have done our jobs, you might think we just horse around, nap, and go on long walks, but that demonstrates our tremendous talents. As a working breed, we’re accustomed to long hours and strenuous labor, but sometimes you can catch one of us in an off moment yawning. Sorry, but modeling is hard work.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Nap nap time!!
Oh Boom ? needs a nap! Tired from doing nothing ??
Oh, the effort it takes…but the rewards are great! Ear scritches all around.
Once again a smile so early in the morning! I would assume it IS hard work to model for Hu-Dad BUT it seems like you are well rewarded for your time-lol