News / Blog Posts

The boxer resting in his corner.

Furocious Furtastic Frankie

June 20, 2016 |

The boxing legend of Nikita looms large in Herd lore, but Furocious, Furtastic Frankie fights his way into the record books with quite the mean hook. Hu-Dad sprawled in the floor, scratching Frankie’s chest. Spying a piece of paper blown from the desk, Hu-Dad reached to retrieve it. Since Typhoon the Shredder reduces any scrap to…

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Just holding the water bucket still while I get a drink of water.

Playing In Water

June 19, 2016 |

More normal temperatures returned to Chez Herd, so Hu-Dad removed the pool that most of us ignored. Don’t worry, though, because Cheoah is still playing in water. Cooler temperatures returned to our area with a high yesterday of 68ºF (20ºC) with a steady breeze. Declaring our heat wave over, Hu-Dad emptied and removed our pool. Something…

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This is the good part.

Locked Out Of House

June 18, 2016 |

You know that we pride ourselves on stringent security, but we might have gone overboard when the Hu-Dad was locked out of the house yesterday. Hu-Dad makes us sleep inside at night. He says that is because of all of the wild creatures such as bear, elk and bobcat in our woods. However, we think…

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Wet but cool.

Splish Splash

June 17, 2016 |

Despite a very warm week up here in the mountains, Cheoah remained the only member of the Herd to take some splish splash time in the new wading pool. Hu-Dad positioned our pool in different places to see if it would make any difference. Everyone takes the time to drink water from the pool, but…

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What do I do now?

What Do I Do Now

June 16, 2016 |

We have all been there. You jumped into a situation without thinking it all the way through and find yourself asking, “What Do I Do Now?” No reader will be shocked to discover that Typhoon lives life with the “Pounce First” philosophy while rarely thinking of the consequences of his actions. Typhoon prefers to live life…

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Can't you see how stressed I am?

Any Boom Will Do

June 15, 2016 |

Thunderstorms reappeared on our horizon and Frankie decided that he needed to be inside, though Hu-Dad suspected he was taking an any boom will do approach. We haven’t had any rain for several days, so yesterday’s predicted thunderstorms were welcome. Well, welcome to everyone except Frankie who insists loud noises are bad. So when Frankie…

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Go for a ride in the Jeep? Sounds fun.

Didn’t See That Coming

June 14, 2016 |

Sometimes, things take a turn that you did not expect and all you can say is, “I didn’t see that coming.” Kiska had one of those moments yesterday. Hu-Dad asked Kiska if she wanted to go for a Jeep ride and she enthusiastically said yes. She was even pleasantly surprised to discover that she had…

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Something is backwards here.

Basement Excavation

June 13, 2016 |

As our heat wave continues, Frankie decided to take over Cheoah’s basement excavation project under the coveted picnic table. Frankie is normally found on top of the picnic table and Cheoah underneath, but Frankie decided to seek out the cooler temperatures below. He had to expand it for his bigger body, but soon settled in…

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What is that weird thing?

Wading Pool Failure

June 12, 2016 |

We had the hottest day at the house in three years which led to an event that we can only describe as the massive wading pool failure. If you haven’t figured it out already, Hu-Dad is geeky about lots of things and weather is one of them. We have our own weather station at Sibe…

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Who ordered this weather?

Hot, Hot Husky

June 11, 2016 |

We are having our first summer like temperatures of the year, so we have an abundance of hot, hot husky here at Chez Herd. The valley temperatures soared into the 80’s today and we still reached 76ºF (24ºC). Now we understand that many of you are dealing with much hotter weather than that, but, for…

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It's good to be Queen!

Happy 13th Birthday, Queen Natasha

June 10, 2016 |

All of us here at Chez Herd wish a very Happy 13th Birthday to Queen Natasha the Evil, who has been our fearless leader for a decade. Miss Natasha has certainly had her challenges in the last few years – TPLO surgery to repair her CCL – surgery to remove a 1.95 pound cancerous mass…

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Queen Natasha complains the grass is tickling her belly.

Lawn Care Service Needed

June 9, 2016 |

The rainy weather of last week has transitioned to sunny this week, but Hu-Dad has been busy. That means we need some lawn care service! We had an extended stretch of stormy, rainy weather through Sunday. Since then, we have had bright blue skies and brilliant sunshine – absolutely perfect grass growing weather. Unfortunately, Hu-Dad…

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