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We have all been there. You jumped into a situation without thinking it all the way through and find yourself asking, “What Do I Do Now?”
No reader will be shocked to discover that Typhoon lives life with the “Pounce First” philosophy while rarely thinking of the consequences of his actions. Typhoon prefers to live life at full speed and setbacks dealt with only once they have arisen.
When Typhoon spotted Cheoah sleeping peacefully on the deck, he really had no choice but to jump and grab her. But, he expected her to jump up and wrestle, giving him the advantage of momentum. Instead, she just eyed him carefully and bided her time. Hence, our little furry friend was left with a problem. If he releases her, she pounces without any hesitation. If he holds her, he tires and she conserves her strength. Release and defend. Or hold and tire. Thus, the choice looms.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Love how you captured the expressive eyes! No captions needed!
Mom, Ice’n Ebby ALL say: Some day, that Typhoon is going to REALLY bite off more than he can chew! Then listen to the “ki-yiiing”!
Such an intensely predacious little man. 😉
Would have been a good video for Friday!!! ????
What did the Little Prince decide?
Release and run like crazy.