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Surveying the perimeter from the safety of the tree fort

Purposeful Mission In Cold Weather

January 6, 2018 |

We have shared the dogs who enjoy our frigid weather, but some prefer a purposeful mission be completed quickly in these cold temperatures Unlike some other members of The Herd, Frankie prefers snuggling in the covers on the human bed or curled up on his blanket in Hu-Dad’s study. He is Hu-Dad’s velcro dog –…

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Frigid Morning Friends

Frigid Morning Friends – Film Friday

January 5, 2018 |

While the humans barricade themselves indoors from our cold temperatures, a couple of frigid morning friends frolic in this week’s Film Friday. Like much of the rest of the U.S. and Canada, we are socked into a cold weather pattern. Below 0ºF temperatures and brisk winds may chase the humans inside, but it is perfect…

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There will be no jokes about my age.

The Calendar Marches On For Everyone

January 4, 2018 |

We provide a certain supplement to every dog of a certain age. Guess who just discovered the calendar marches on for them? As many of you know, Hu-Dad had the grand opportunity of having two dogs recovering from TPLO surgery at the same time. First, Natasha tore her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL, much like the ACL…

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The couch in front of the fireplace.

Cheesewhiz Seeking Comfort

January 3, 2018 |

The weather stayed cold but sunny, so Cheesewhiz was torn between outside and inside in her daily quest seeking comfort. Though our low dropped to -2ºF (-19ºC), we warmed quickly throughout the day to a high of 23ºF (-5ºC). With abundant sunshine and light breezes, it was a near perfect winter day. Cheoah tested several…

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A perfect day to enjoy the great outdoors.

Frigid Start To The New Year

January 2, 2018 |

Like much of the central and eastern U.S. and Canada, we are off to a quite frigid start of the New Year with below zero temperatures. By mid-afternoon on New Year’s Eve, a light freezing drizzle began falling. We left Asheville to travel back home just as it started, so we missed the traffic mess…

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Walking With A Really Big Cotton Ball

January 1, 2018 |

We joke all of the time about Qannik’s cottony qualities, but yesterday’s walk in the park included a really big Cotton ball that made Q-Tip look tiny. For a number of years in a row, we spent New Year’s Eve RVing at the beach. Some friends visited Asheville most every year on New Year’s Eve.…

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Hmmmm. A little bored today. I need to change things up.

The Beauty And The Boom Boom

December 31, 2017 |

Watching the dogs play in the yard, Hu-Dad noticed an unusual grouping – The Beauty (Miss Cheoah) and the Beast (Boom Boom). Normally, Landon can be found within a few feet of his adored big brother, Frankie Suave. But, yesterday, everyone was sprawled in the sunshine enjoying afternoon naps while Landon explored the yard on…

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I will not even pay attention if you lie on the ground below me.

Somepup Engrossed In Television

December 30, 2017 |

Cheesewhiz seemed to be enjoying the entertainment last night as she was so engrossed in television that she ignored the photographer. For the most part, we ignore whatever is on television. Sure if a dog barks, or a siren sounds, or any sort of wildlife trumpets, we might search for the sound, but the screen…

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Soloshot 3 Experiments

Soloshot 3 Experiments – Film Friday

December 29, 2017 |

Hu-Dad is testing a new robot camera, so this week we share some Soloshot 3 Experiments as we start evaluations and decide whether we will use it more. First, we want to emphasize that this is neither a review nor a recommendation. We have just started testing the equipment and recognize that many of our…

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You will pay for that joke, human.

Our Haughty Little Prince

December 28, 2017 |

Why does the Hu-Dad refer to Typhoon Phooey as our haughty Little Prince? Perhaps a few photographs and facts will explain. Typhoon has long been the obstinate wonder in a breed known for obstinance. He doesn’t pretend not to hear commands from the Hu-Dad; he just flat-out refuses the orders. The photograph above was taken…

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Snoopy’s Doghouse At Chez Herd

December 27, 2017 |

In the Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy’s doghouse was many things to the canine character – and an inspiration to our very own Boom Boom.

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Are you taking photos of me?

Post-Christmas Relaxation

December 26, 2017 |

Many people rush around before the holiday with shopping, obligatory gatherings, and travel, so Boom Boom demonstrates post-Christmas relaxation. Landon likes napping in Hu-Dad’s study because he can maintain tight surveillance – being aware of any movement. But Landon can also fall into such a deep nap state that he totally misses when the Hu-Dad…

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