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An early Frankie Suave captured in the glow of the sunrise, but what is he saying in today’s Caption This photo?
Our senior-most pup is out in the yard early in the morning, sunrise glistening off his coat. He notices the photographer (aka, Hu-Dad) taking a few pictures, but doesn’t seem impressed. But today is Friday, so it’s Caption This day. Come on, Dear Readers, what thoughts are Frankie Suave sharing with the Hu-Dad?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
♪♪ Sitting in the morning sun… ♪♪
“Did you get me good side?”
Really hu-dad… pictures already???!!!
“Hey Hu-Dad, how about just the 2 of us go for a nice early morning walk together..Please”
He’s saying-“Hu-Dad-isn’t it peaceful and calm right now without the younger set around”???