Sleepy Subject Wins The Starring Role

The daily choice of who will be our featured model is often chaotic, but today’s sleepy subject one the starring role by default.

Why can't someone else be the star today? This sleepy subject just wants to nap.
Why can’t someone else be the star today? This sleepy subject just wants to nap.

When the camera comes out for the daily post, we never know what antics might be captured. Will it be a race around the yard? Games in the house? A ruckus and a wrestling match? Or will everyone just be too sleepy to care? In this case, Roscoe asked the Hu-Dad to focus the camera on his brother, Typhoon.

Leave me alone, Hu-Dad, or else.
Leave me alone, Hu-Dad, or else.

Divas get their way sometimes because they are so prickly no one wants to mess with them. His Grumbleness made it clear he didn’t want to be the focus (get it?), so the camera went back to Roscoe.

Fine. This is the best smile I have for today.
Fine. This is the best smile I have for today.
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  1. S Deaver on July 17, 2019 at 7:27 pm

    Glad to know Roscoe is truly and completely acclimated to life with y’all and the herd! He’s delightful whether playing or at rest!

  2. Laura Yager on July 16, 2019 at 10:12 am

    Roscoe you can TRY to be grumpy, but it’s not working…you are too cute for grumpy! Let’s leave the Haughtiness to Typhoon. Adorable looks better on you! The secret is out…Prince Phooey isn’t as grumpy as he pretends. He’s actually cute too! ????

  3. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on July 16, 2019 at 9:38 am

    I think this is the very first grumpy face I’ve seen on Roscoe!!! He’s still adorable in his grumpiness ????

  4. Jean Burkhardt on July 16, 2019 at 6:25 am

    Oh boy Hu-Dad-you have 2 VERY grumpy and sleepy Sibes on your hands!! I don’t know for sure though WHO is the grumpiest-lol-Typhoon or Roscoe! I hope hope tomorrow they wake up on the RIGHT side of the bed!

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Helene (To The Tune of Jolene by Dolly Parton

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