Streaming News

We reveal one of Frankie Suave’s unique habits today in a segment we can only possibly consider calling streaming news from The Herd.

We have a news flash with streaming news.
We have a news flash with streaming news.

Frankie Suave is well known for being Mr. Cool. He doesn’t believe in getting excited about a lot of things around the house, including all of the chaos caused by his siblings. He also doesn’t believe in going out into the yard and, well, going, any more often than is absolutely necessary. As Hu-Dad jokes, these photos capture a very rare moment, but the moment can go on and on and on.

I can't believe this is really news of any sort.
I can’t believe this is really news of any sort.

Yes, the Hu-Dad is convinced that roughly half of Frankie Suave must be a bladder. Unlike other male dogs, he doesn’t go in every possible spot he can find, but rather saves us for a drenching. And these photos, as proof, are each about a half a minute apart from each other. So, yes, we call this streaming and streaming and streaming news.

I'll just be here in my three-legged stance for a while.
I’ll just be here in my three-legged stance for a while.

Just in case the subject matter of today’s post hasn’t already been perfect for a Monday morning, we can let you know Hu-Dad has posted a brand new short story over on his website. And, weirdly, its title is the opposite of Frankie – Running on Empty.

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  1. tammy j on July 15, 2019 at 6:26 pm


  2. chris on July 15, 2019 at 11:06 am

    Only you could make a dog peeing funny. I always thought it was funny because we had a dog like yours but noone that I told thought it was that funny. I laughed and laughed looking at those pics and was reminded of our dear ole Moose (who we lost in May 2017 and it was his prostate that finally got him after all those years of holding it). Thanks because I love remembering the special moments we share with our buddies.

  3. Carolyn on July 15, 2019 at 10:09 am

    Since Maddox and I moved into an apartment and I no longer have a backyard to toss him into, his, er, streaming habits are now well-known to me (where I ignored them before). He never has to wait more than 4-5 hours before I or my dog walker is there to take him out but man, you’d think even then there wouldn’t be so much – male dog bladders must be HUGE. LOL! He used to mark a lot but now it is more one big stream then 2 littles and we are good to go back inside. Snort.

    Dogs are weird.

  4. Juno's mom on July 15, 2019 at 9:55 am

    Seems like his bladder is pretty healthy.

  5. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on July 15, 2019 at 9:25 am

    My precious Ezekiel, a black lab/rottie mix (RIP), used to do that!!!!

  6. Tonya on July 15, 2019 at 5:50 am

    Our Male Malamute Bandit does the same thing, especially when it’s hot out!!

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