How To Get A Quiet Nap With Lots of Siblings

You may be wonderings, with all of the siblings of The Herd floating around Chez Herd, exactly how any of us can find a place for a nice, quiet nap.

Frankie & Boom Boom - napping in the sun.

Frankie & Boom Boom – napping in the sun.

While Hu-Dad toils in his study (or, at least, clicks and clacks away on his computer), we work hard at getting good naps. With a stretch of spring upon us, that includes lots of outdoor napping.

If you study this photo carefully, you will notice that it is slightly different than the one above.

If you study this photo carefully, you will notice that it is slightly different than the one above.

Now these pictures may look quiet and relaxing, but what if you want to go off on your own and have a private nap. Where can you go?

Cheoah's fort is perfect for a quiet nap.

Cheoah’s fort is perfect for a quiet nap.

Way Back Wednesday

Many of you chuckle at the various mishaps of our Hu-Dad. It’s ok – we do that, too, and have for a long time.

How long? Well, we found this post from way back in 2010 that just sort of sums up some of Hu-Dad’s “Mr. Bill Kind of Days” (If you are too young to get that reference, we apologize. Hu-Dad is old. We think it is eleventy-seven bazillion dog years.)

Click the image to visit this week’s Way Back Wednesday Post.


  1. Laura Yager on April 4, 2018 at 6:51 pm

    Love your Way back Wednesdays. I didn’t know about your herd until our son begged us to rescue a Husky. We’re now at 2….and I can easily see that number rising in the future. See, we love crazy dogs for some reason. I guess that’s why we had kids too. ( don’t get your collars in a bunch I’m being sarcastic….sort of). Glad we love the craziness…love being part of a group who get the “quirks” of Huskies.

  2. Lori on April 4, 2018 at 6:55 am

    There’s nothing like a good nap in the warm sun… or the peace of one’s self-built fort!
    Oh noooo!!! What a day hu-dad had!!! So glad the shirt survived.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on April 4, 2018 at 6:04 am

    AAWW-napping in the Spring sunshine IS awesome and I’m glad I see some SNOOZING dogs there!!!!!!

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