Just Call Me Unimpressed With Excuses

Hu-Dad’s Friday did not go exactly as planned, but certain members of The Herd were unimpressed with his excuses for the day.

And where have you been?

And where have you been?

Hu-Dad had appointments with the vet. Well, actually, he had appointments to have his own eyes examined and then to get his flu shot, so they were with human vets. His ophthalmologist was called away for an emergency surgery, so Hu-Dad’s appointment was delayed and he barely made it to the doctor’s office for his flu shot. But enough about Hu-Dad – this horribly inconvenienced us.

Abandoned! We were abandoned!

Abandoned! We were abandoned!

Yes, that’s right, because of Hu-Dad’s selfishness in trying to visit his own vets, we were left at home all alone. Well, ok, with each other, but without a human to serve our every need. But, wait, it gets worse. You will not believe the ultimate impact on us.

Now explain why our dinner was ten minutes late.

Now explain why our dinner was ten minutes late.

Today is Veterans Day, so we salute everyone who has served in uniform. We thank you for your service. (You can read Hu-Dad’s tribute to veterans over on his blog.)


  1. carolyn Rogers on November 11, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    Seeing Ty complaining about not getting fed is pretty wonderful!!! He has filled out so much too!

  2. Juno's mom on November 11, 2017 at 11:13 am

    And they don’t get the time change thing, even though you explain it to them in detail. 😉 Woooo, I’m bored. Woooo, it’s time to eat. Woooo, it’s time for bed.

  3. Laura Yager on November 11, 2017 at 11:07 am

    How RUDE! First Hu-Dad expected Frankie to fluff on camera. Now he abandons us just to see HIS vet? Insert a very strong Husky woo here.. And dinner was 10 minutes late. Ten minutes!! That’s like hours in dog time!! You’ll have to do better Hi-Dad. After all you’ve got 12 eyes watching you very closely now…????

  4. Lori on November 11, 2017 at 7:38 am

    Oh the horror of it all… you poor neglected Sibes!

  5. Jean Burkhardt on November 11, 2017 at 6:23 am

    Yes-your Hu-Dad was VERY rude to have made your dinner 10 minutes late-lol. BUT of course-you want him to stay healthy for you-right???

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