Trying To Explain the Unexplainable

As we are wrapping up our weekend S-RV trip, we are attempting to explain the unexplainable, though we don’t think we solved any mysteries.

Are you going to do it?

Are you going to do it?

We like to keep our Hu-Dad guessing with all of our Siberian games and this weekend was no exception. The first mystery is one you have seen many times. The only answer is yes, he does it on vacation, too.

Of course I walk backwards  on vacation. What else do you expect?

Of course I walk backwards on vacation. What else do you expect?

But Typhoon’s backwards walking wasn’t the biggest mystery of the weekend. Besides, we almost consider that normal – for him.

No, our biggest weekend mystery was found on the top of a fence near the campground. Cue the scary music now.

A good luck charm . . . or a hex.

A good luck charm . . . or a hex.


  1. Laura Yager on October 15, 2017 at 9:42 pm

    My 2 Sibes and Shepherd would have had that down and destroyed in seconds. Glad the Herd didn’t get to it. Who knows what chaos would have been released. Looks like a Stephen King prop…..

  2. Zoe on October 15, 2017 at 5:46 am

    Nah that’s a tackling dummy .. I think if you let Boom Boom at it it would be down in 3-2-1

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