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Nearly two inches of rain fell yesterday in a steady downpour, so Hu-Dad thought he would share some photographs of us enduring rainy days and storms.
The rain started falling Sunday evening and fell steadily throughout Monday totaling nearly two inches. Steady winds kept the fog at bay, and the temperatures remained quite cool for August (barely 60ºF / 15ºC).
All we could do was lay around the house and sigh heavily at the injustice of it all. Well, that and complain to Hu-Dad about the weather, something he claims to have no control over.
Of all of the drama in the house over the bad weather, the award must go to Cheoah for best expression of disgust at the weather.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: That look of disgust on Cheoah’s face is a real “prize winner”. It really does SAY IT ALL!
Rain is not a friend to my fluffy bottoms. They can’t bound around the yard, jumping like Bunnies. And the wet Sibe hair….oh the grossness! Like globs of hairy glue, it sticks to the doormat, never budging. Howls fill the house, as the restless crew begs the sun to reappear. Bedtime brings feisty furballs, ready to play. We’ll take snow any day. Rain rain go away…
In the Rocky Mountains too. All that rain and negative ions made everyone sleepy.
I feel your pain sweet Sibes…. stormy days sure do put a monkey wrench in our daily plans!!!
I think the whole country is experiencing the heavy downpours at some point or another. I’m sorry you folks had to take a turn. 🙁 It’s 52 degrees as I type this, barely past 4am, but I must confess… I like it! *lol* Summer is not a friend of mine. I tolerate her visits every year but am waiting at the door, ready to hand her the suitcase, when she’s getting ready to leave. I breathe a sigh of relief when she’s gone. 🙂 May sunshine be in your neck of the woods soon. Blessings~ Andrea