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We are sure of it. Today is going to be a celebration day for Typhoon as we head to the vet and do an official weigh in on the skinny boy.
After his latest anorexic bout, Typhoon has been eating steadily. We believe that he has been gaining weight steadily. Today is the day of reckoning as we head to the vet for an official weigh-in and checkup on his progress in battling his appetite issues.
Since his last weigh-in was around 39 pounds, what is your guess? Has he made it to his goal of 45? Or is he at 44? 43? 42? Whatever?
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Great news! Glad he is eating steadily. Any weight gain about 39 is good and anything over 42 is great! Wishing for great news!
The answer is 42!
Ah, How many Roads must Typhoon walk down eating treats? That must have been the question for that answer of 42.
I’ll say 44 pounds! I’m so glad you’re eating well Typhoon!!!! I can’t wait to hear the verdict!
I’m going to guess 47lbs. That number just sticks to me. Good luck Ty. I’ll be waiting for the results. I’m so glad you are eating better. Hugs and kisses to the herd.